Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tag! You're It.
I was tagged today by sweet Kate at Kids & Cocktails. It's my first tag too, so, this is rather exciting!
4 things I did today
1.) Went grocery shopping
2.) Finally bought the newest Domino
3.) Played Frisbee with one of my pups
4.) Watched my husband solder my laptop power cord to make it functional again! It was a scary moment when I thought it was a goner. He is definitely my hero!
4 things on my to-do list
1.) Learn how to fly a plane (long term to-do!)
2.) Travel to Russia... and Peru... and India... and Ireland... and New Zealand... and ok, I'll stop here because truthfully the list is almost endless!
3.) Make Apple Crisp- I've been wanting to make some for days, but haven't gotten around to it.
4.) Finish some wedding thank-you notes (ack! I know, Mom! Some of the gifts only came in recently though.)
4 of my guiltiest pleasures
1.) The Hills & Army Wives...hokey shows? Yes. Am I addicted? Yes.
2.) Currently, Peanut Brittle Ice Cream (sadly, a seasonal flavor)
3.) Magazines (see below...)
4.) Starbucks (which I haven't had in a while b/c I've been making my coffee at home every day. Oh, but a flavored soy latte and slice of pumpkin loaf- yum!!)
4 random things you probably didn't know about me
1.) I've been a vegetarian for 12 years, although for the last 6 or so, I have only been a semi-veg, as, on occasion, I will eat fish.
2.) I am a complete magazine-addict and have a degree in Magazine Journalism, but I've never worked at a magazine.
3.) I hate tomatoes (it's a texture thing,) but I love tomato-things: tomato soup, tomato-based sauces, salsa, etc. Oh, and fried green tomatoes- delicious!
4.) In second grade when my youngest brother was born, I told my entire class his name was the one I had wanted, rather than the name my parents actually had given him! Embarrassing when I was busted two weeks later... :)
Thanks Kate!
If you'd like to participate, consider yourself tagged! Leave a comment; I'd love to read your list.
This little piggy...
I read about the Etsy shop Chez Sucre Chez on Design*Sponge today, and I am absolutely smitten with this tote! I really do adore pigs, and for me, this the sweetest way to imagine the ending of "This little piggy goes to market!"

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Corn Muffins
Gluten-free corn muffins with a pumpkin twist.
Today's muffin recipe is seasonal favorite- a tender and golden pumpkin corn muffin. It's one of the most popular recipes on Gluten-Free Goddess.
The coyotes were up bright and early this morning, yelping in the cool blue air as my old English tea kettle sputtered and complained. Tea for breakfast is not an efficient way to wake up. It's more of a coaxing than the throttle of a double espresso fueled Americano, but right here, right now, it will have to do. At least this week.
The closest cafe is an hour's drive away.
The closest cafe is an hour's drive away.
When people ask what it is I miss most living out here in the rural desert, my answer is always the same. But the list is growing...
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*A*M*A*Z*I*N*G*: Cookie Exchange!
It's cookie exchange time...
Amazing is the first word that came to my mind when I discovered Nancy's Fancy Cookies & Cakes this week. Please go take a look at the cookies in her Flickr photostream. Nancy is a true artist...her cookies are so incredibly beautiful! I'm in awe. I mean, just look at Henry the 8th up there! The cookie itself is so clever and then the detail work is, well, amazing!
And, Hagrid! My son and I are reading the last Harry Potter book right now, so I couldn't wait to show him this cookie. It is so cool!
Thank you, Nancy for being a part of "cookie exchange!" I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Thank you, Nancy for being a part of "cookie exchange!" I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
TWD ~ Creme Brulee
The torch was definitely fun to use and I can see using this little torch on meringues in the
There are just a few ingredients needed to make this custard. Starting out by bringing heavy cream and whole milk to a boil is easy enough.
Whipping the 3 egg yolks, adding sugar (I used by vanilla bean flavored sugar), and the vanilla. Making sure not to add to much air so there are as few bubbles in the mixture as possible.
I used my gravy grease separator for pouring the liquid custard. By using this cup, very little bubbles on the surface poured into the little ramekin dishes.
I have had these little porcelain ramekins for a while now and finally was able to use them. The first ramekin, I poured the custard from a regular measuring cup and there were bubbles on the surface. After using the other cup, no bubbles.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Window Shopping {LF Jewelry Designs}
While I have bracelets and earrings a plenty, somehow I do not have the equivalent number of necklaces; they are an accessory that I love, yet do not manage to purchase quite as often.
While doing a little "window" shopping, I came across these sweet, delicate and affordable necklaces from Etsy shop LF Jewelry Designs. I like that most of them appear dainty enough for easy everyday wear.

In honor of her upcoming birthday and to celebrate the beginning of her last year in her 20s, the shop owner of LF Jewelry Designs is offering all regularly priced items at 20% off through the 2nd of October.
*Update- Lindsay, owner of LF Jewelry Designs, wanted everyone to know that the first image was photographed by Cameron Kline Photography
While doing a little "window" shopping, I came across these sweet, delicate and affordable necklaces from Etsy shop LF Jewelry Designs. I like that most of them appear dainty enough for easy everyday wear.

In honor of her upcoming birthday and to celebrate the beginning of her last year in her 20s, the shop owner of LF Jewelry Designs is offering all regularly priced items at 20% off through the 2nd of October.
*Update- Lindsay, owner of LF Jewelry Designs, wanted everyone to know that the first image was photographed by Cameron Kline Photography
Crushed Blackberry Sundae with Toasted Pecans, HomeMade Caramel Sauce, and Whipped Cream
Today, I finally had the time to give the recipe a try. Besides, I was worried about losing my
The recipe? Simple, easy, and can definitely be used as a showstopping dessert for dinner
Crushed Blackberry Sundae with Toasted Pecans, Homemade Caramel Sauces, and Whipped Cream
1 cup pecans
1 quart premium vanilla bean ice cream
Caramel Sauce, recipe follows
Crushed Blackberries, recipe follows
Freshly whipped cream
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Spread the pecans evenly on a baking sheet and toast in the oven for 8to 10 minutes. Remove and let cool before coarsely chopping.
Place a scoop of ice cream in a parfait glass and top with caramel sauce, crushed blackberries, and pecans.
Repeat 2 more times and then top with a large dollop of whipped cream.
Caramel Sauce:
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 vanilla bean, split in 1/2 lengthwise and seeds scraped
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter
Pinch salt
Place the heavy cream and vanilla bean and seeds in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Remove the cream from the heat and let sit while making the caramel.
Whisk together the sugar and water in a medium non-reactive saucepan over high heat. Cook until dark golden brown, about 10 to 12
Crushed Blackberries:
2 pints blackberries
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup cassis liqueur
Combine the blackberries, sugar, and cassis in a medium bowl and stir well. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Pinzgauer Beef For the Freezer

The cows were grain fed and went to the Butcher in late August. This is a general time that most
beef cattle go to the butcher in the Fall period. The meat was hung for 21 days and then cut into specifications of each person paying for their half or quarter. The butcher, Roger, is a wholesale butcher, not retail. This means he breaks the beef down into specific cuts and only offers "some" specialty cuts. I, of course, have to be a pain in the butt and ask for all the specialty cuts I can get away with, such as Porterhouse steaks, briskets, leftover tender roast after cutting the Porterhouse steak.
An interesting point I learned and want to share is this. My half cow weighed 428 pounds. After butchering and discarding large bones, and waste, the meat I received was around 300 pounds. I paid 3.50 per pound "before" cutting and packing. This is a great price compared to what I pay in the grocery store for my different cuts of beef throughout the year. BUT I had no idea when ordering a half cow ~ a person only receives 3 Porterhouse steaks per cow side. If I order a whole cow, a butcher can only get 6 Porterhouse steaks. The region for this tender and luxurious cut of beef is that small of an area on a cow. I was shocked. Here I am counting all my steaks before I knew the facts. I would like to also add that I printed out a diagram of the cow and all the sections, labeled all the cuts I could receive out of each section and gave an estimation of how much hamburger, stew meat, and soup bones I would get. The whole research and labeling took me about 3 hours. I was told to call the butcher directly. . .and boy did I get a wake-up call. That is when I found out that butchers cutting and packing cows in large numbers for farmers all over the area are wholesale butchers and Roger told me how my cow was going to be cut up, what I could expect for cuts of meat, what did I want for a general weight per roast (4 or 5 pounds each: I choose), did I want soup bones, (I asked for the brisket and Porterhouse:
specialty cuts), what grade of hamburger did I want (He listed 2 percentages of fat content), (Oh, I also asked for a rib roast so I was given a choice of how many bones I wanted: 6 or 7) and did I want more steaks then roast? Holy SMOKES! This whole conversation lasted 5 MINUTES TOPS! The man was professional, nice and straight to the point. No holds barred! My little diagram and cuts got to go into a file for "gee, now I know what to look for in the grocery store when I want something to fit a specific recipe". Example, Skirt steaks. . .different then flank steaks. I use this cut quite often. I'm on my own here. Don't get me wrong, I have oodles of all the cuts I did recognize, like rib roasts, cross-cut rib roasts, tri-tip steaks, top-round steaks, tenderloin steaks, cubes steaks, and every roast I could possibly think of. It is just that, well, how many times does a person dissect a whole beef in 5 seconds. . .okay, an exaggeration. Now that I understand Roger AND I now have the beef in my freezer, I feel MUCH better. I didn't try the beef until the third night after receiving it because Larry and I would look at the freezer and go "What do you want to try first? Well, I don't know, what would you like to try first?" Then I would get frustrated and go fix something that we took out of our now organized freezers that became part of the "USE NOW" pile. We ended up BBQ'ing Rib Steaks. Even this was an
ordeal for us. You see, I have a huge barrel BBQ'er for charcoal and smoking that is MINE and Larry has a HUGE gas grill with this fancy shmancy searer and there was a discussion on WHO was going to be the BBQ'er of choice for the first go around. Well, since I sneakily ordered this half cow and "then" told Larry after I committed us. . .I got caught up in the moment. . .I couldn't help myself. . .I LOVE a filled freezer because I feel like I am taking care of my family, and I had promised to work all the overtime I was given and that I could handle. . .hence my working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day for the last 2 months, (except for when we took off a week for San Francisco, which the overtime also helped on), I got to grill the first steaks!
I didn't put anything on the steaks except pepper and a little red pepper flakes. Salt goes on
later because I feel salt pulls out to much moisture from the meat while cooking. After BBQ'ing to a medium rare, I let the steaks sit for 10 minutes to let the juice absorb back into the meat. The steaks were huge and the flavor was great! I was worried over all the talk about how lean the meat was and if I would loose out on flavor. . .you know, less fat content maybe less flavor? Well, restaurant quality flavor! Very good!
New problem: I organized the freezer, cataloged all the cuts of beef, and now I don't want to use them yet because I am still on my "high" for having a full freezer. I start using the beef, the freezer just won't be as full. I know, silly. . .but do you have any idea of what I went through inside (guilt wise) trying to get this beef? Yeesh! This next weekend, I am getting the "whole" weekend off. All 2 days!
P.S. I haven't defrosted my freezer yet. . .it was after work when I organized my freezer and I was already tired. Please forgive the ice built-up. . .I am a little embaressed! =)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Oh Sew Sweet
I love that these Etsy shops have given new life to sewing patterns by repurposing them into new items.
Etsy Shop Natuur/-e
Etsy Shop Paperwerks
Etsy Shop JenniferConway
Etsy Shop Blue Valentine Press
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sew Lovely
I inherited my love of buttons from my mom, who has always had a soft spot for these notions. The variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures intrigues me as much today as it did as a child.

I imagine I looked much like this following a trip with my mom to gather sewing supplies; I love that the photo shows how gently these "treasures" are being held.
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