Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Little Scrapping...?

I actually did not create these pages this week, but I did begin to organize a pile of "unbooked" pages. This is the title page to Ian's Senior album. Have I mentioned that my baby is a senior this year? The photos on these three pages were taken by an outstanding local photographer, Denise Jane. She is just amazing. Her idea of the perfect senior picture is not a formal portrait for parents, but rather capturing the nature and personality of the student. She did that with Ian. We do have a couple of fabulous dressy photos, but Ian really liked those photographs pictured here.

This last double page spread - I call this "Kathy and Susan Go to Convention"! Most of the photos are from 2006 when Kathy and I first decided to give the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Charlotte a try. We had a smashing time and have returned annually. In fact, our group doubled in size last year when Suzanne and Pat joined our group.

The layout below was one of four created in the BasicGrey Latest and Greatest class. I found the layouts as I was preparing "kits" for my retreat this weekend. All I did was trim the photos, add a flower and some journaling. Very easy. I do need to cut a title still, but I thought I would go ahead and share.