Sunday, February 14, 2010

SMS - Easy Chocolate Mousse

Callebaut Semi-sweet chocolate; melted, sweetened whipped egg whites; whipped into bliss, 40% heavy whipping cream; chilled and beaten into snow peaks - all swirled together, creating a light, smooth, creamy chocolate mousse.
Easy Chocolate Mousse was chosen this week by Spike of Spike Bakes for our Sweet Melissa Sunday special dessert. I think Spike picked out a wondrous and creamy chocolate dessert, absolutely perfect for Valentines! Velvety smooth and creamy . . .
I have already peeked and some of our talented bakers actually substituted liqueur for the vanilla. Had I thought of this, well I would have experimented all over the place. I used a vanilla bean paste, found at King Arthur Flour website and I am in LOVE with the stuff. Amazing with little vanilla bean seeds floating throughout.
To get the recipe for the Easy Chocolate Mousse, you can either purchase the Sweet Melissa Baking book "or" go to Spike Bakes website. You really should check her site out anyways because she altered her recipe just a tad and WoW! does her mousse's, mousses, mousse - how do you say mousse in plural? Well, anyways her choices of flavorings are brilliant!
My only complaint, I know, I know, but really - my kitchen sink is totally filled with dishes from making this easy mousse.
We swirled small mounds of creamy chocolate mousse in bite size, miniature glasses and dolloped larger amounts in bigger dishes. My daughter, Ashley, could not wait for the chilling process. She made off with one of the bowls when I wasn't looking . . .or so she thinks (smiling).
Guess what? I started my apron WAYYYY back when and just the other night I finally finished it. Unfortunately, Fluffy is looking at the apron like it is her new napping spot. Boy, did she get a wake up call =). I just HAD to share!