Monday, May 31, 2010

I know what boys like, I know what guys want . . .

...well, not really. But, I am dedicating the month of June on the blog to MEN! That's's time for:

Desserts for Dudes!

We do a lot of cute around here and I thought the month of Fathers' Day was the perfect time to go macho and honor our dads, husbands, sons, brothers, uncles with sugar. On the blog and twitter, I asked what your dad's favorite dessert is. Turns out, dads have a lot of favorites. But, there was a winner.....PIE, and not just any pie, pecan pie!

This recipe I cut out of a magazine years ago. There isn't a magazine name at the bottom, but just "October/November 2004." I knew I was hanging on to this baby for a reason!

Caramel Pecan Pie
{adapted from unknown magazine 2004 :)}

1 c. unbleached, all-purpose flour
1/2 c. cake flour
1 TBSP sugar
1/2 tsp. coarse salt
6 TBSP unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3 TBSP shortening, chilled
3-4 TBSP ice water

1 c. heavy whipping cream
2 TBSP unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 & 1/3 c. sugar
1/2 c. water
1 TBSP corn syrup
2 & 1/2 c. pecan halves
2 tsp. vanilla

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Place pecans on a baking sheet in a single layer and bake at 350 for 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.

In a food processor, pulse the flours, sugar and salt until combined. Add the butter and cold shortening; pulse until the mixture looks like coarse crumbs with a few pea-sized clumps. Add 3 TBSP water and pulse until a dough just begins to form. Add more water, 1 teaspoon at a time if needed.

Dump the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a 12" circle. Place in a 10" (9" is ok) pie tin. Trim and flute the edges. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes, or until firm.

Preheat the oven to 375. Line the crust with foil and fill with dried beans or pie weights. Bake in the lower half of the oven 15 minutes; remove foil and beans and bake an additional 20 minutes, until the crust is golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

For the filling, heat the cream and 2 TBSP butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. When butter melts and the mixture is hot, remove from heat and cover to keep warm.

Combine sugar, water and corn syrup in a medium saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat, without stirring, until sugar dissolves.

Dip a pastry brush in water. Uncover the pan and brush the sides with the wet pastry brush to brush down any stray sugar crystals. Increase heat to med-high and boil until sugar becomes a golden brown (about 5 minutes).

Remove from heat. Slowly add the cream, the mixture WILL bubble up, and stir until the boiling stops and the mixture is smooth. Stir in the pecans and vanilla.

Let sit 15 minutes (I forgot to do this...oh, no! This may be why mine was a little runny.)

Pour into baked crust and let sit at least 3 hours until cooled and set. (You can stick in the the fridge once cooled.)

Now, *I* thought a brown sugar whipped cream would be delicious with this. Mr. E assured me that ice cream is much more manly, soooooooo, top this pie with ice cream.
If you don't have time to (or interest in) making ice cream, let me suggest Haagen-Dazs 5-ingredient ice cream, Vanilla Bean. I am not a big fan of plain ol' vanilla ice cream. This ice cream, though, with its flecks of vanilla bean, I could eat in one sitting. It's creamy, vanilla-y and decadent! Trust me.

The pie is delicious...the caramel with the pecans all tucked into a buttery crust...but I'll admit, it is a bit soupy. Now, Mr. E assures me this is not a tastes good and that's what counts. Hey, it's Desserts for Dudes, who am I to argue?

Well, I hope during this month, you'll see one of your dude's favorite desserts! We'll be back to pink and sprinkles next month, not to worry. :)

{Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a 2nd piece of pie to eat!}

And, thank you, thank you to MutheringHeight who helped in the naming of this month! Duuude, you rock!

Jackie & Her Children

I was recently asked 91 questions in an interview for an exciting thing I will be involved in later this year. One of the questions I was asked was;

Who, in your opinion is/was the best dressed woman?

I answered Jacqueline Kennedy. I googled images of her recently and became instantly obsessed with the images of her and her beautiful children. It must be my current nesting instincts which drew me to these photos. I thought I'd share a few here today. Aren't they beautiful...

Lovely photography by Jen Fariello

Jen Fariello is one amazing photographer! She is also sooooo sweet and easygoing. I'm so happy to have met her at the Workshop earlier in the month!

It's me! (plus beautiful models Gina and Julie in center photo)
Thank you, Jen!
Photo credits: Jen Fariello
For Elizabeth Messina's A Lovely Workshop
Dress: Sarah Seven and Claire Pettibone
Hair: Erin Skipley
Makeup: Lauren Napier

BBTB2 Bless This Nest Door Hanger - 1st Video

Happy Memorial Day!  And welcome to the BBTB2 blog hop.  I am not hopping today (I forgot to arrange a prize - oops!), but be sure to go by BBTB2 to begin the blog hop when you leave here.  We had to use the Sweethearts cartridge, specifically the Bless This Nest cut.  I used the phrase as well as the bird couple in the nest.

For a really rough idea of how I made this card, I assembled the card in my first ever video.  This may not be the worst video ever made, but neither is it in the top ten!  You will have A LOT of views of my arm and hand - oops.  But the good news is I have finally figured out how to make a craft video.  All I need is to purchase a tripod.  That will happen this week!  I McGyver-ed a the camera for tonight only, hence all of the hand/arm shots!!  I will improve my video skills. 

And finally here are a couple of more photos.  I hope you have a great day.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Thank you to all of the brave heroes who have protected us and sacrified their lives for us. We will never forget you.

Happy Memorial Day!

I will be working on my book and my sculpture.  We will also be enjoying some barbecue.  Have a great day everyone!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lonny Magazine


Lonny Magazine is a great online magasine.  Chcck it out this weekend!  See you Monday!

Newport Wedding Photography, Amy + Tim at Rosecliff, Part 2

Posted by Mariah, Photos by Mariah & Trish:

Feast your eyes on all the pink wonderment of Amy's gorgeous wedding. Everything was so lovely and so tasteful. Amy and her mom, Anne have fantastic taste. These seating cards that match the programs are from White Aisle.

A luscious arrangement for the seating card table by Sayles Livingston.

Some cocktail hour munchies, by Morin's Catering.

The ballroom at Rosecliff is so grand, I love the ceiling.

Amy and Tim's chairs were decorated too, a nice touch.

The cake waiting patiently.

Mmmm, how are their guests going to have room for the main course?

Beautiful menu cards with the same pink theme.

I was crazy for these linens.

Getting ready for their grand entrance.

Mr and Mrs. Woo-hoo!

Legions of fans!

Amy's dress makes quite an impression!

Listening to some loving words from the maid of honor and best man.

Anne and Harry listening on to the toasts.


Trish took this lovely artistic shot. I just love it.

Amy looks so classically beautiful.
Oh, and an addition to the things Amy and Trish have in common: their birthdays are only one day apart!

Parents of the grooms showing us how it's done!

Harry and Amy's dance with Anne looking on, so sweet.

Flipin' awesome band... Flipside (from Boston).


It's so sad to say goodnight, but all good things have to end eventually. I am sure Amy and Tim are living it up in Hawaii on their honeymoon!
Thank you so much for having us at your beautiful wedding. Trish and I had a blast and feel we have two wonderful new friends. xoxoxo Mariah & Trish