Wednesday, May 4, 2011

US Treasury is INDEED cracking down on Lebanon


US Treasury is INDEED cracking down on Lebanon

Our friend Nic Noe sends this: "After seven years, I am told our company in Beirut just got this message from the Treasury department via a major US subscriber:
"Hi ----- ,
Your wire transfer in the amount of $----- to Mideast CO SARL will not be able to be paid.  Our bank said that Beirut Lebanon has been put on a OFAC Country list.  This means that any wires going to that country will need a US pay through bank to send the funds through.  Please contact your beneficiary and ask if they can give you the name and ABA number for a US Bank that we can use as a pay through bank to send these funds to them in Beirut, Lebanon.
Bettina Stemley, Treasury Operations"
Posted by G, M, Z, or B at 5:01 PM
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian