It is at times like this that I begin to think “Am I so wrong, could it be that using common sense, reason and facts the wrong way to think?”
There are indications that the Democrats are going to lose the majority in the House of Representatives, perhaps even in the Senate. Polls are sometimes misleading but they have been consistent up to this point in showing tremendous gains made by Republicans in the public opinion and the ability to energize their base and even sway middle of the road independents. ..go figure.
Could this be a fluke or could it be that everyone in America has gone insane? At this time, when the economy has not yet bounced back, when unemployment continues to be a pain in the ass…it should be serving as a reminder of the legacy Republicans left us…go figure.
The way I see it is this: You take away the Black vote, the Latino vote, the gay Vote, the Muslims, the unemployed, those who lost their homes, those who lost their retirement accounts and then you add to that group the seniors who are on Social Security and Medicare and will certainly be affected if the Republicans have their way…why then is it that Republicans are ahead? Go figure
You could argue that elements like Rush Limbaugh and Beck, Palin and Tancredo have been effective in confusing and swaying Americans to think all these lies are true facts. You could conceivably argue that the anti-immigrant and anti-gay sentiment has also been exploited to the benefit of Republicans with laws like “Show Me Your Papers” in Arizona and a voter initiative that took away Gay Californians the right to marry after it was already legal…go figure.
We have some Healthcare reform, not as most of us would have wanted but it is some minor improvement, we have Wall Street and bank reform, not as strong and thorough as some of us would have wanted…but it is still better than nothing. Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose and Republicans would have you believe that it is their efforts that have kept us safe…go figure.
Perhaps we are witnessing is a backlash against meritocracy, intellectualism and competence. Those who are angry are making the well informed, the educated and those who can think for themselves into the object of their rage…go figure.
I know it is complicated but I can’t understand how a majority of Americans are not going to see who caused their misery, who left the country in debt and in an economic crisis. The fact that Republicans got us into an unnecessary war and lied to us could not possibly be overlooked…and yet they are ahead….go figure.