Thursday, March 31, 2011


Political myopic eye doctor now turned Senator Paul

It applies to religion and politics as well

Political Masturbation hit this Teabagger in the face when she lost the election

I consider myself a passionate supporter of progressive and liberal causes. It is also no secret that I am gay and will confront anyone who tries to deprive me of my rights; I will be even indignant and intolerant. But let us not confuse the issue here; that is being passionate because if someone comes along and shows me data, evidence, charts, proof or otherwise a reasonable explanation I am willing to listen.

On the other hand; those on the far right and those Fundamentalist Evangelicals are so closed minded that even if you hit them across the face with a two by four with evidence, facts and reason they will still reject it and embrace their ignorance and superstition. That in my book is being fanatical. When reason, logic, scientific proof, charts, evidence fail to convince someone that they are wrong that to me is fanaticism.

How can anyone for example, in this day and age still believe in Creationism when we have at our disposal and in plain view that the world is older than 6,000 years. The same holds true for the Republican-Teahadist ideology: “Government is the problem”, “Government is too big”, “Trickle Down Economics” and in general acting as the surrogates for the very rich and the corporations. But when you confront them with evidence that their ideology is flawed; when you show them facts and charts they still cling on to those askew ideas.Or when you tell Mormons their religion is fabricated and Joseph Smith was a con artist, a drunk and a misfit they will not listen.

What is detrimental to our society and the well-being of the American people is that these groups, both the Fundamentalist Evangelicals and the Teahadist-Republicans are not just hurting massive groups of people but they are destroying the nation in the process. That means a destruction of that very Constitution they so often claim to defend and love; that includes the annulment of democratic processes and the blatant disregard for the commonwealth.

So, I ask you: Are you a passionate person with an open mind or a fanatic with a closed one?

The Dear Leader Reagan still has a following even after most of his ideas have been proven wrong and his ideology debunked