Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rumors can be harmful

Canadian Certificate of Live Birth for female baby Heath

I could start a rumor…I could post it in my blog and let it take root.

I am not going to bother with John McCain, he is just a footnote in the history books, although I could claim that he ran for President and he is not a natural born American….and he is not, he was born in Panama. As far as I know there are no hospitals in the Canal Zone.

The reason I am doing this is because I remember clearly reading a blog when Sarah was the Vice Presidential candidate and it was someone from Sandpoint Idaho. I wish I had written down the site but I was not a blogger then and to me such things didn’t have any importance. But recently I ran into this document that seems like a Canadian Birth Certificate. Is it real? You be the judge.

So, let me offer this conjecture: Sarah Palin was not born in Idaho but was born in the Canadian province of Alberta, in a rural area south of Calgary. Mrs. Wilhemina Stark a midwife nurse now living in Calgary recounts of the delivery of a baby girl in rural Alberta about the time of Sarah’s birth and she says that it was indeed Sarah Palin’s mother who gave birth to a child she delivered. Of course, having been delivered at Chuck and Sally Heath’s home there are no papers that confirm her birth. Her parents moved to Idaho and registered her birth there. It is that simple, it could be very damaging if it took root.

After seeing a large sign erected by some wing nut car dealer in Colorado, and then the subsequent interview of the nut, I can tell you that there is very little hope for America. There are some morons out there and unfortunately they comprise almost half of the population.

Some of these are just ignorant blobs, some are easily persuaded and gullible idiots, some are mean spirited losers and most are just not interested in facts or the truth but chose to mold it to fit their own obtuse convictions.

The truth lies in the willingness of Republicans to encourage this kind of erratic behavior. They have not denounced it nor have they tried to moderate it in any way because they think that it serves a beneficial effect by vilifying President Obama and the Democratic Party. That is what they think because they are putting partisanship before country and decency. Their resolve to get even, because they are in reality poor losers who are not willing to take responsibility for the mess they and they alone created and as we have seen they will tolerate, no…they even encourage talks about assassinating the President.