Wednesday, March 2, 2011

“SO BE IT” – it is not just saying no…Republicans are sabotaging everything

Boehner is not crying for the environment or people losing their jobs

Teahadist-Republicans have only one thing in their minds: TO SABOTAGE THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY.

When the extremist elements of the Republican Party like Tim Pawlenty openly urges their party to keep the prospects of a shutdown alive despite Democratic willingness to compromise, the fundamentals would be in place for a narrative friendly to Democrats—especially when the GOP must defend unpopular cuts.

Despite the potential political adverse effect that such a standoff could bring, the administration is urging Republicans to work on a long-term deal instead of these short-term weekly cuts. But unless the GOP decides to cooperate, and it shows no signs that it will, a long-term deal will be impossible, and within the next few weeks, the very real possibility of Republicans forcing a federal shutdown will return.

Again, the Democrats and the Obama administration, forever bending over backwards to work together with people who don’t want to work at all, they want the hardships and the misery of the American people brought by a government shut down so that they can benefit in the 2012 elections…that is if ignorant people don’t put two and two together and still vote Republican…then they deserve to be mired in poverty and ignorance if they did. .

Bill Scher says it well:

An Expanding Economy Fixes This

Cutbacks shrink the economy. And expanding economy provides good jobs with good pay and benefits and fixes budget deficits. We want an expanding economy for We, the People, not tax cuts for the rich and cutbacks on the things government does for We, the People. Tax cuts and austerity provide an opportunity for a few to cash out and take off, but does not provide for the rest of us.”

ISAIAH J. POOLE on the Impact Of GOP's Job-Killing Budget Cuts: 700,000 Jobs Lost Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics today confirms what several other experts are saying about the slash-and-burn budget antics of House conservatives: The budget cuts being pushed by House Speaker John Boehner and the Tea Party-possessed House of Representatives will not put people back to work, They will put people out of work. Zandi's report says: "The House Republicans’ proposal would reduce 2011 real GDP growth by 0.5% and 2012 growth by 0.2%. This would mean some 400,000 fewer jobs created by the end of 2011 and 700,000 fewer jobs by the end of 2012." Zandi's finding tracks a report released last week by Goldman Sachs that the House budget cuts would cause a drop in economic growth of as much as 2 percentage points this year and drive unemployment back up to as high as 10 percent.

The Pulse

Public Says No To Republicans' Slasher-Movie Economics

But it doesn’t matter what the public thinks nor why they voted Republican in the first place…so far what we have seen is a theatrical production of the reading of the Constitution, that is those portions the Teahidist like; holding the unemployment extension hostage so they can extend tax cuts for the very rich, we have seen their insistent attempts at bringing back the culture wars with the abortion issue and repealing DADT. But one of the first things the Republicans did when they took over the House of Representatives was to vote (symbolic only) to repeal Health Care Reform.

Now we are seeing a very organized and perverted effort to demonize, neutralize and eliminate labor unions by several of the Republican Governors in some states. The one thing that our country needs the most is the creation of jobs but they chose instead to destroy them, to actually make things worse for American workers. It is their way of sabotaging the economy, giving President Obama more problems and acting in a very unpatriotic way. What the Republican-Teahadists are doing borders on treason…it is sabotage and we should all recognize it as such…it is the worst kind of terrorism because unlike bombs or bullets this decimates and bring misery to millions of people usually those who are the least able to defend themselves like our seniors the sick, disabled and the children.