Sunday, March 6, 2011


Perish the thought…Embassies and Consulates around the world are acting stupidly and denying almost everyone visas…and collecting the application fee which the Embassy keeps…

It is a racket and it doesn’t make any sense. They are denying visas to perfectly acceptable, respectable and financially stable people who actually would not have an interest in moving to America; they just want to visit and spend their money.

Then there are those denials that don’t make any sense; like the one for my tenant’s aunt who is a retired school teacher in Colombia; owns rental property and her apartment gets a pension and all she wanted to do was to attend her nephew’s wedding. My tenant, who lost his mother and was raised by this aunt, was devastated. His father was bedridden and could not come but denying his aunt the visa was unconscionable…at the wedding; there was not one single relative of his attending.

There are so many young men and women members of the upper middle class and richer that would like to come and study. These are arbitrarily denied visas as well. The reason? The U.S. State Department has deemed it necessary to exclude younger people because they fear they would stay and live in America…But I ask you, what the fuck is wrong with that? A bright, young person comes over, gets an education and wants to stay…certainly would become a very productive member of society and an asset to our country. Why deny them that opportunity?

Someone suggested a very clever plan: It is simply this…If a young person wants to come and study in one of our colleges; allow them to deposit the sum of $100,000 at the Embassy where they are applying for a visa. At approximately $25,000 per year for the cost of tuition and room and board, then the State Department would issue a check at the end of the school year to pay for these expenses. If somehow the person flunks out or drops out then they would forfeit the money.

On the other hand, for decades now we have turned a blind eye to Mexicans coming across the border. These live and work in America doing the most menial and harshest jobs because nobody else in America would do them. They are our maids, our gardeners, fruit pickers, farm laborers and construction…and why do we allow those here? Because it is cheap labor, the State Department doesn’t care if they stay or they leave…if they stay so much the better because they bring the cost of labor down.

The only ones who object to Mexican undocumented persons are those xenophobic, racist Americans who think their shit doesn’t stink…like some politicians in Arizona or some of the other more backward, conservative states. It is a way of reaffirming that they are superior, better than and therefore it brings them validation. In reality, some of these laborers have almost as much education if not more; have more solid family and ethical values than those who reject them.

There are politicians like Tom Tancredo and Janet Brewer who have made it a career being xenophobes. And then there are those who are so dumb, so stupid that think that they are superior in some way because they were born on the north side of a body of water. Of course, if you are or appear gay don’t bother applying for a visa…Homophobia is alive and well in our Embassies and Consulates