Sunday, March 13, 2011


The Republican-Teahadists are attacking not just LABOR UNIONS but they are hell bent on destroying public education under the guise of fiscal responsibility and budget balancing.

But make no mistake about it, the real intent is to privatize public education so that only the very privileged will have the power of knowledge while the rest of us 98%, albeit an overwhelming majority will be left with ignorance and superstition.

If there are any public schools left when the Teahadist-Republicans get through slashing education funds; these will be used for the whole purpose of teaching INTELLIGENT DESIGN and CREATIONISM. Math and Science make people literate, functional in a technological society. Educated people tend to be pragmatic, interested in politics and difficult to govern because they demand their government to be a PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY…what a concept, right?

The Koch brothers and some of the others on top of the food chain have this notion of an ideal society where everyone is a Fundamentalist Christian, where no person is educated beyond high school, women stay at home to raise children and where there is plenty of cheap labor for business to pressure workers to accept low-paying jobs and work their asses off to keep them.

That is why there is so much insistence in teaching CREATIONISM in places like Texas and other more backward states. That is also why we see a state like Florida slashing 1.7 billion in education and turning around and giving business 1.7 billion in tax breaks. It works for them; for us 98%, not so much. How convenient and a coincidence the numbers are alike.

Why are the Teahadist-Republicans so adversarial towards TEACHERS UNIONS? It is simple, they oppose these unions more than any other because teachers are educated; they are difficult to reign in into their scheme of things and will organize successfully and oppose this concept of PLUTOCRACY and THEOCRACY.

Alan Grayson commenting on the struggle of LABOR UNIONS to survive puts it very well:

“Did They Die in Vain?

On May 4, 1886, in Haymarket Square in Chicago, the public rallied peacefully in support of 40,000 workers in Chicago who had gone on strike, to win the right to organize. The police attacked, and eight died.

On July 6, 1892, in Homestead, Pennsylvania, 3800 workers went on strike, to win the right to organize. Three hundred hired and armed goons attacked them. Five people died.

On April 20, 1914, in Ludlow, Colorado, 1200 coal miners went on strike, to win the right to organize. The Colorado National Guard attacked their shantytown, and burned it to the ground. Nineteen people died. Two women and 11 children were asphyxiated, and they burned to death.

Here and around the world, many people have fought and died, so that you and I would have the right to organize.

And so that 250,000 public workers in Wisconsin would have that right, too.

This is not exactly a new idea. Six months after the Ludlow Massacre, President Wilson signed the Clayton Act, prohibiting the prosecution of union members under Antitrust Law. That was almost a century ago.

Two decades later, during the Franklin Roosevelt's first term as President, he signed the National Labor Relations Act into law. It protects the right to organize. That was over 75 years ago.

The right to organize also is a fundamental principle of international law. Over 150 countries have ratified the "Right to Organize" Convention, an international treaty. It was adopted in 1949, over 60 years ago.

So why are we even talking about this, 11 years into the 21st Century?

Because the teabaggers want to "take back America." They want to take it back, all right – take it all the way back to the 19th century. When there was no right to organize. When people worked for a dollar a day. When grown men competed against children for jobs. When women were barred from most jobs entirely. When you worked until you died.

Not to mention slavery.

I want to see an America that is healthy and wealthy.

They want an America that provides cheap labor to our corporate overlords. An America where the middle class is chained by debt.

We didn't ask for this fight. But we have no choice except to fight back. For the survival of the middle class in America. For us, for our children, and for our grandchildren. And so that the victims in Haymarket, in Homestead and in Ludlow did not die in vain.

As Cardinal Spellman said 45 years ago, "it is a war thrust upon us, and we cannot yield to tyranny."

I'm ready to fight for what's right. What about you?


Alan Grayson”

Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner? So bit it?