Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GOProud is Disgusting!!! Scumbags Of The Day...

What would make a Black join the KKK; or a Jew the Nazi party or a gay person become a Republican?

GOProud is an almost insignificant blog that represents a very far out segment of the gay population as well as a very limited one. They may be insignificant in numbers but what they are not in numbers they are in the very contradiction of their existence.

It seems to me that these people have not thought about it all the way through; it is clear that they have a definite disconnect with reality and that of the Republican-Teahadist ideology. Perhaps it is a hatred of blacks or even an illusion that someday these middle classers are going to join the rank of the rich.

I for one, know who my enemies are; as an elderly, gay Latino man I would never put my vote in the Republican column simply because they are against seniors, Hispanics and obviously gays. For these people to even exist presents a ticklish paradox.

GOProud is in a desperate fight to defeat Obama with a republican in 2012, it is their number one goal. Now for those of you who do not know who they are, GOProud is a gay republican Conservative group. Can you imagine? What a joke. President Jimmy LaSalvia in his statement below, claims that Obama has been nothing of a "disaster for gays and lesbians"...Yeah, you know it, I'm getting started. Clearly LaSalvia has not been living in the same country as the rest of us gays because if he were, he would know the following

FACTS of what Obama has done for the gays:

1. Repeal of DADT

2. Every hospital that excepts medicare & Medicaid (which is virtually every hospital) must allow gays and lesbians to have non-family visitors and to grant their partners medical power of attorney.

3. Obama Administration has hired more OPENLY gay & lesbian staffers than any other president in history. More then Clinton and Bush combined.

4. Denounced DOMA, calling it unconstitutional and refusing to defend it in court.

5.Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the first federal civil rights law to protect gays and lesbians.

6.Instructed federal agencies to extend benefits where possible to same-sex partners of civilian federal employees.
7.Ordered the release of data on legally married gay couples from the
2010 census, conferring legitimacy on same-sex relationships.
8.Ended a ban on
HIV-positive immigrants and foreign visitors.
9.Announced new regulations that recognize LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) families for federal housing programs and prohibit discrimination in getting federally insured mortgage loans.
10.Appointed more than
100 openly gay people in his administration, including the government's top personnel official and the head of the Council for Environmental Quality.
11.Awarded the
Presidential Medal of Freedom to gay icons Harvey Milk and Billie Jean King.
12.Hosted a White House summit on bullying and recorded a video message to gay youths telling them that "
It Gets Better."

13. INVITED LGBT Families to the white house easter eggroll.

14. Has dinners at the white house for the LGBT community.

15. Signs U.N. declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality. Which dumbass Bush refused to sign during his entire joke of a presidency...

Shall i go on, or is that enough LaSalvia? What have you done for the gay community that even comes close to this list? Besides embarrass yourselves. Obama has done more in his 3 years than any other president has done in history. And certainly no Republican would EVER do any of the above. So you want to talk about disaster? That would have been any Republican you idiots support.

GOProud in my opinion, are nothing more than a but a bunch of self loathing gays who can not except their homosexuality fully and resigned themselves to believe that they are second class citizens. Which is sad in this day and age. So my advice to LaSalvia and the rest of GOProud, is to get some self respect, be truly PROUD of who you are and stand up and support the people who are really fighting for your rights...

Gay conservative group GOProud has one mission between now and November, 2012 —
defeating Barack Obama.

“Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House has been an unmitigated disaster for all Americans, including gay and lesbian Americans,” GOProud president Jimmy LaSalvia said in a statement. “Defeating Barack Obama and putting a conservative in the White House should be the number one goal of every single person in the conservative movement."

The group is looking ahead toward the Iowa Straw Poll in August as the kickoff for the effort. The Ames Straw Poll will begin on August 11th with a Republican Presidential debate and conclude on August 13th with the actual straw poll itself.

“This Republican presidential field is shaping up to be an incredibly strong one,” La Salvia said. We look forward to hearing each of the candidates make his or her case about why they would be the best nominee to beat Barack Obama.”
deets here

SOURCE: http://www.izzoiz.com/

PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2011/04/29/GOProuds_Mission_Take_Down_Obama/