Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Osama bin Laden's lair in Abbottabad on Monday after the raid

I now distrust the Pakistani Government

Tell me if I am wrong, but even in America where we have McMansions, huge compounds where rich folks hide from the likes of you and me; in our country, the good old U.S.of A. there are thousands, not just hundreds of well-to-do folks living in the lap of luxury in gated communities or their own estates. Yet, for all the abundance of rich abodes, municipal, state and federal governments know exactly who owns these structures and who lives in them.

I took a look at Google Satellite map and I wrote: Abbottabad and it wasn’t even difficult to spot the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed…for crying out loud, the fricking thing was ten times bigger than any property around it…now, are you going to tell me the Pakistanis didn’t know who lived there or even who owned it? I think not.

I think that the government of Pakistan has been playing us like a violin…the suckers that we are…we give them tens of millions of dollars and expect some kind of cooperation and yet, they knew all along where this asshole was but would not tell us…why? Because as long as Bin Laden is hiding, they can keep milking the American people of money.

Also, it is not unthinkable that even some very high officials within the Pakistani government knew exactly where Bin Laden was but they were aiding and abetting him, keeping him safe because they themselves are sympathizers of the Al-Qaida organization.

Maybe in my old age I have become jaded and mistrusting…that is true…I don’t imagine conspiracy theories at every turn like some of our Republican countrymen do…but I do throw a bit of caution to the wind because humans are corruptible and capable of doing horrible things.

Abbottabad isn’t that big place, surely neighbors and the city officials should and would have known who that compound belonged to unless of course they were on the take as may also be the case with some of Pakistan’s government officials.

You can’t blame President Obama for having kept this a secret even from the Pakistanis…the temptation would have been there for some yahoo in the government to warn Bin Laden and he would have escaped once more.

Kudos to those who conducted the raid…they are true heroes and Kudos to our President.


