Wednesday, July 14, 2010



The Washington Post's Edward Cody reported Tuesday that the French parliament's lower house voted 335-1 to ban its female citizens from wearing the burqa or similar Islamic facial veils. The legislation imposes a $185 fine or compulsory 'citizen lessons' to any woman found violating the measure, which awaits final vote in the Senate.

While in Iran the government is pressing to ban “mullets” and pony tails as subversive…It is clearly a culture war to me…On the one hand you have a French government not able to accept the backward ways of Islam and on the other you have a theocracy not able to tolerate diversity. In both cases, the governments are wrong.

How about not tolerating the burkas because it is a security risk? I think that any suicide bomber can put on one of those and strap a bomb to themselves…if they are perceived to be female, surely there would be less suspicion, then they walk into a crowded train station and blow themselves up.

Either way, I thought about it and both are wrong. The French for being intolerant and the Iranians for being tyrannical. But one thing is for sure, that Muslim women say they wear the rags because of choice and I disagree…they wear it because they have to, their religion and their culture forces them to and eventually they become so accustomed to it that they even think it is a good thing.

You also have to take into consideration that this is a culture that is living in the 14th century. It is coming head to head with France’s culture which is arguably one of the most progressive in the Western world.

Nicolas Sarkozy: Muslims should not feel 'stigmatized' by burka ban

Nicolas Sarkozy has said he does not want Muslims to feel hurt or stigmatized by a planned ban on burkas as the French cabinet approved a draft law to outlaw the full-face veil from public spaces. I have news for the French President; they are going to be pissed no matter what. It is impossible to ask them to conform to something that they consider a basic part of their stupid religion and we all know how blinded and stupid people can be when blinded by faith.

Perhaps it would be to the advantage of everyone involved if we approach it differently; like a massive campaign to show the Muslims how stupid these religious traditions are. We are not going to ask them to change religions or convert, just to abandon some of the more severe and radical practices their religion imposes on them. And why wouldn’t it work? It should because common sense and logic usually prevails and we know that there is no way to defend something that is stupid and oppressive.