First and foremost; we can’t let the Republicans forget nor divorce themselves from the failed Bush policies, from their disastrous ideology and from their askew values. We cannot allow them to blame President Obama for the mess they left.
Second: We can never allow America to become a theocracy. We have to fight tooth and nail to prevent this from happening. Contrary to what some of these religious nuts believe, our Founding Fathers meant it to have a clear and distinct separation of Church and State.
Third: We have to stand our ground when it comes to civil rights. It is not just a few token visitation and non discriminatory measures, it has to go all the way, it can’t stop at repealing DON’T ASK DON’T TELL, it has to give GLBT Americans the same rights as everyone else and that includes full marriage. Civil Rights legislation in the 60’s brought the changes we needed…we can’t let that be stripped away by the racists like Rand Paul and Tom Tancredo.
Fourth: We can’t allow the Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and Mormons to define marriage for the rest of us; particularly when it is based on an erroneous interpretation of the Scriptures.
Fifth: We have to confront the warmongers, the ones who get us into unnecessary conflicts and wars so that we don’t make the same mistakes again. We are tired of spending lives and treasure so that the military can play their silly war games and the military industrial complex can keep making those profits off of war. We are now hearing their sabers rattling, talking about attacking Iran.
Sixth: We have to remind everyone that the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH has already taken place. That what we have in America today is a WELFARE SYSTEM for the top 2% of the richest Americans. They are getting a hell of a sweet deal with the Bush tax cuts which in turn has been piled up to our deficit. We have to remind them that yes, we believe that the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM is the best model but it has to have regulations because if it doesn’t greed will prevail…we know what greed has done: It created the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression; it gave us the biggest ecological catastrophe in our history and it promises to keep on giving us grief and debt…all so that the top 2% of our richest can live in the lap of luxury in their Hamptons home.
Seventh: That Religion has to stay away from politics. We saw how the Mormons dumped millions of dollars and carried a very misleading and hurtful campaign against same sex marriage in California. It has to be clear that if they use church funds to back a candidate or a cause they are interfering and they should lose their tax exempt status.
Eighth: Those Churches can no longer put a whole fleet of church buses and vans to take people to the polls; they are doing it and I saw it being done. I have a Black Baptist Church about three blocks from my house and they were displaying anti-gay signs on their lawn. Election Day I saw their buses and vans making numerous trips to the voting place. This is in my opinion a direct violation of the separation of Church and State.
Ninth: We have to do everything in our power to end lobbying. We are overdue for election reforms and for the way Congress does business. The constituents elect officials to go to Washington and before they even get there they are already in the pockets of the lobbyists and no longer representing the voters who elected them.
Tenth: We must somehow get THE PUBLIC OPTION incorporated into the new Health Care legislation. Not to do so would empower and embolden the Health Insurance industry and we would continue to pay the highest amounts in premiums of any of the civilized nations (17%) and get the inferior care we have been getting.
Eleventh: We have to pay our debt, yes, but we must do so with the taxes the rich and the corporations are not paying. We can’t afford any more subsidies or bail outs for banks or financial institutions. Americans have already lost too much money as they saw their pensions, retirement accounts, home values decline and the cost of living increases that have almost decimated the middle class.
And last, we have to remind Republicans that being obstructionists, wishing the President to fail, being so recalcitrant and racist is not patriotic, this amounts to downright treason. Furthermore, we have to insist that Republicans and conservatives repudiate those extreme radical elements within their party and the Tea Bag Party to cease and desist from advocating violence…Timothy McVey and 9/11 are still fresh and engrained in our collective minds to now encourage a bunch of wing nuts to take up arms and bring on violence to our nation. They also have to divorce themselves from this racist theme and once and for all admonish those who believe that way; otherwise the Civil Rights movement would have been meaningless and any progress we have made in the last fifty years would become irrelevant.

With religious fanaticism on the rise...Christians and Muslims, Jews and others ultra right conservative wing nuts we have seen attacks like the Oklahoma City bombing and The World Trade Center in New York obliterated by fanatics...we have seen doctors killed by pro-lifers, clinics bombed, vandalism and attacks on members or Congress for their progressive views. should we continue to encourage them by not opposing them? Please tell Republicans that they have to abandon this threat of violence if they don't get their way.