China’s Next Tallest Building Breaks Ground in Shanghai
Many people confuse the two, thinking that a “free market” economy can only exist under a democracy.
By raulito
I used to think that the two were intricately joined, that one could not exist without the other. Now, I think differently. I see a country like China with a very robust CAPITALIST economy and yet they retain a very repressive, totalitarian government. I see Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union become a Free Market oriented society and yet they have one of the most corrupt, elitist fascist-like governments on earth.
To my way of thinking, and what I detect is that in America, what has happened is that the concept of DEMOCRACY; what our government is supposed to be of, by and for the people is taking a back seat to the special interests and government is actually working on behalf of the very rich and the corporations to enrich them even more while squeezing, milking the middle class and decimating it. (they call that OLIGARCHY)
They are often heard talking about “FREEDOM” and “PATRIOTISM”; but rest assured that there is nothing free for those of us in the bottom 98% of the feeding chain…and certainly nothing patriotic about decimating the middle class which is the backbone of American society.
Oftentimes you hear these Teahadist-Republicans defending the concept of DEMOCRACY, the idea that people have a say in their government and consent to being governed. While their rhetoric is very noble it is very far from what is happening in our country. They are defending the right of the rich to get richer at the expense of the rest of us…for the life of me I can’t figure out why they would do this since most of them don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.