Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday observations and comments, part two

Appropriate for the season

Christmas is supposedly the time that most of the Western “Christian” world celebrates the birth of the child Jesus. I have a problem with that because I don’t accept the “immaculate conception” theory…you actually have to have insemination to produce a human being. That concept is one that I rejected even before I reached puberty.

How ironic that we celebrate the birth of the “son of God” only to turn around and observe his death a few months later…under the most repugnant of circumstances…crucified and tortured. The imagery of a moribund Christ on the cross is horrific and morbid; but there is a reason for that. You see the imagery of a moribund, tortured and pain ridden Christ on the cross is supposed to exploit our feelings of empathy and pity…so that if “he died on the cross for our sins” then we are obligated to believe in him and that is why Christianity has adopted as its symbol the cross…that is a bunch of crap to me.

I also have a problem with placing Jesus…supposedly the son of God in a distinctive and far more prominent place than God him/herself…what they are actually doing is elevating a mortal being to the status of prophet and making him bigger than God.

I further have even bigger objections to such fabricated religions as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons…when they assign the title of prophet and apostles. In their scheme of things these are the anointed, the privileged few who have access to God and therefore have to be venerated and obeyed. They think that by assigning these titles to these mere mortals it brings them validation and makes them somehow superior to us. That is also one of the biggest piles of horse manure I can think of.

It is a bunch of crap. Just because you say you are “HOLLY” does not make you so.