Demographics and pragmatism among younger Americans are killing it.
That pathetic cry of “they are taking away my America”
Is still resonating in our collective ears; not thinking that this is everybody’s America. It does not belong to a few privileged few at the top 2% of the food chain nor does it belong to the WASPHs any longer. (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Heterosexuals)
If there is a message that came loud and clear in these last November elections was that the Teahadist-Republicans don’t really have a clear mandate and that their party is being pushed to the extreme right when most of America is clearly in the middle. Don’t misinterpret it as a mandate to enact ultra-right wing legislation or to make it a referendum on President Obama. The signs are there if you look for them.
Just like what has happened in California, it will continue to happen albeit piecemeal and gradually in other parts of the country.
Dante Atkins says: “California progressives had been saying it for years: The California Republican Party had no future. It was simple math; at a time when younger voters were becoming increasingly progressive and non-white populations were becoming a larger and larger share of the electorate, a party whose base consisted increasingly of older, white voters would become increasingly marginalized--through demographics alone, if not by ideology.”
You see, the Democratic Party has no litmus test like the Republican Party does. We are not on a crusade to throw under the bus those who are moderates or not fitting the extreme end of the ideology spectrum. But we Democrats, seem to have a general consensus that progressive-liberals know that if we want progress we have to be progressive; if we want social justice we have to be open minded and liberal; if we want to have the free enterprise system work for everyone then it has to have regulations. And most importantly; we know that TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS doesn’t work, taking away from the poor and the middle class to give to the rich is downright immoral.
Lastly, Democrats celebrate diversity, we don’t repudiate it; we know that everyone has to be equal under the laws of our country and that racism and discrimination is wrong…that my friends are facts that none of your fellow American Teahadist-Republicans can “REFUDIATE”. So put that in your collective pipes and smoke it.