Thursday, December 2, 2010



The one caused by religious fanaticism is one of the most difficult to overcome. It works not only on the individual who carries it deep in his subconscious but it affects others who come in contact with him. The feelings of guilt about anything sexual are bordering on paranoia.

There are many men who are tragically under-endowed; for these guys an indiscreet glance at their genitalia while taking a shower or changing in a locker room is all it takes to send them on a severe attack of apoplexy. These poor bastards are so insecure because they know that size makes them feel inferior.

Then there are those who are really in the closet. These are people who are clearly attracted to others of the same sex but have so many hang ups that they repress these feelings and they become ten times more disapproving and vocal in their homophobia. There are times when some of these are actually caught in some sordid little affair in a restroom trying to get sex from an undercover cop; or they may be followed by a reporter into some sleazy, cheap motel room with some rent-a-boy. These are the classic hypocrites.

For the life of me I don’t understand why John McCain continues on this tirade to keep DADT in place. Even after the report comes out recommending that we end it; John McCain still wants to delay it…no, wait, he wants to have a continuation of it…why? We really don’t know; but it gives room for speculation: could it be the size of his wiener is tragically small? Or is it his own insecurity about being attracted to other males. Maybe some unpleasant homosexual experience happened while he was a POW. Who knows; but the truth of the matter is that the man has become obsessed with this and a pain in the ass to America.

If we are going to analyze it in detail, gay people in the military will adhere to a code of conduct like everyone else. But suppose that some romance does flourish while in some lonely bunker in a forgotten country. These are two mature, consenting adults and there is nothing wrong with taking care of one’s physiological needs…you need to release your sperm just like you need to pee or take a dump. Please don’t tell me that servicemen don’t masturbate because that would be ridiculous.

Victor Fehrenbach, outstanding serviceman who served courageously was summarily discharged under DADT

But what we definitely can no longer have is this deprivation of the dignity and the exclusion from the military; not only because we need gays but also because it is wrong, totally immoral to discriminate. We live in America and we can’t have one segment of the population totally marginalized and deprived of their Constitutional rights because some asshole senator is homophobic.

You have to wonder about a guy who seems like he’d kiss up to anyone or bend and break his own principles just so that he can become president...Here he is with buddy Jerry Falwell.

John McCain was arguably a very handsome man when he was younger…no doubt he looked dashing in his uniform…could it be that he had some gay came on to him and he was insulted? He should not have been, he should have been flattered and say: “Hey, look, I thank you for the compliment but I am straight” and that would have taken care of the proposition…after all gays are not unlike straights in that situation…I am sure many straight men get turned down often when they come on to some female and it is not the end of the world for either one. .

Cindy, his own wife seems to get it…she is not homophobic and has supported LGBT causes in the past, much to the chagrin of her husband, I am sure.