Thursday, March 3, 2011


Judging by their askew view on how economics works and the effects it has on our country, its welfare and its people…Republicans are out of it.

Recently more than 300 Economists Repudiate Right-Wing "So Be It" Economics The stream of economic experts who are denouncing the budget slashing that the House of Representatives did last month has just turned into a flood.

Today the Economic Policy Institute and the Center for American Progress jointly released a statement signed by nearly 320 economists from around the country, including Nobel Prize winners Kenneth Arrow and Eric Maskin, former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Alan Blinder, and former Chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisers and Director of the National Economic Council Laura Tyson.

That comes a day after Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics released a report that estimated the House budget cuts would result in a loss of 700,000 jobs by 2012. That finding evoked a "so what?" from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor that was remarkably in line with the dismissive "so be it" comment that House Speaker John Boehner made earlier in February in response to concerns that budget cuts would result in job losses.

Folks, these are respected, luminaries in the field of Economics and they are all reaching a very concise and accurate assessment of what is happening. If you know only the rudimentary about how economics works you know that the Republican agenda just doesn’t work. Then we must come to the conclusion that they do know it doesn’t work and they are doing it to sabotage the Obama Presidency. I tend to think this is the case. We have to only look at the first two years of behavior of Republican lawmakers and all you see is NO, NO, NO…delay tactics and disingenuous talks and meetings where they want to appear that they are actually attempting to be bipartisan but they are in reality using this as just another delay tactic.

The Republican-Teahadists have come out and said it: “Obama will be a one term President” and they are doing everything, legal, illegal, ethical and unethical to make sure that will happen. They are economic terrorists who are hell-bent on killing jobs and destroying the economy so they can make the President and the Democrats look bad and win the reins of power in 2012. Hopefully, and I think there is room for optimism here; the American people are realizing this more and more.

The Republican plan is complex and evil; it is sick and so injurious to Americans and hurtful to our country. The Tehadist-Republicans are attacking from every possible angle: from the Republican Governors to neutralize and destroy LABOR UNIONS, from the Congress by re-introducing CULTURE WAR issues that we had long ago put to sleep. Through their surrogate news channel they are continuing to spread misinformation and lies and from the secretive, conspiratorial think tanks they are providing the ideas and suggesting methods to go out there and put the Democrats in the defense and pin the American people against each other...the old concept of divide and conquer comes into light here.

We have to be clear about this: while we are either fighting each other over Culture War issues; while people are worried sick about the survival of SOCIAL SECURITY, when Labor Unions come under attack and are fighting for their very survival; then it is very convenient that the narrative is not going to include the mess they made during the Bush years nor does it focus public opinion against the TAX CUT EXTENSIONS for the very rich.