Thursday, March 3, 2011


The Class Wars thing is not working out for them

Nor is it working out to vilify single mothers like Dan Quayle did or demonize homosexuals because our culture has evolved to where being gay is no longer an abomination save for a few who hold erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures.

Keeping our country safe is no longer an excuse to elect Republicans…Obama has done that and more…he has actually gained the respect and admiration of the rest of the world even if the Teahadist-Republicans insist that he is apologetic and submissive to foreign nations.

What is left for them? What could the Republicans possibly cling on to and gain some support? Why, it is killing babies…yes, who wants to kill babies, right? So they are embracing this pro-life and all repudiation of abortions in the most vigorous way. There are laws proposed in many states that not only would it make it difficult for a woman to terminate a pregnancy but it actually criminalizes it and makes them relinquish their right to their own bodies to the government.

Republicans make no pretense of being the party of the rich, no, the super-rich and the corporations. They are conducting a scorch-earth initiative to decimate LABOR UNIONS as this is the only remaining organized group that is involved in politics and usually supports Democratic candidates.

If Teahadist-Republicans are successful in swaying enough people with their farce about abortion rights they may be able to win the 2012 elections. The much wanted theocracy side by side with a plutocracy will then deprive the American people of their most valued right: a participatory democratic process where people agree to be governed as long as those they elect represent their wishes and their will.