Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It is a concept fabricated by religions to subdue their followers

The reason I am doing this post is because I received a very misguided comment from someone who does not even have the balls to have a profile but signed it “Rodney”

I had written a post May 17, 2010 named “WHY DON’T WE TURN THE TABLES AROUND?” Pointing out how it felt to be discriminated on the basis of your sexual orientation and how religions will deny you the rights everyone else enjoys thus making gays second class citizens

That was way back in May and today I get a comment from Rodney and this is what he had to say:

Rodney has left a new comment on your post "WHY DON’T WE TURN THE TABLE AROUND?":

“completely wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Marriage is for man and woman only!!!!! GAY PEOPLE WILL GO TO HELL! READ ROMANS 1 in your Bible.”

First of all, the concept of heaven and hell is a little too difficult for me to even contemplate let alone accept. I do believe that it is something religions fabricated in order to make their followers be submissive and obedient, to behave well and to be able to be governed.

You are basically telling me that my love for someone is not as worthy as yours

Second, I don’t think the Bible or any of the Scriptures are HOLLY; in other words, they are not the word of God or the Creator whatever you want to call it. The Scriptures were written by men and they were not very enlightened in those days nor was the idea of procreation not to be promoted since the world population was very small in those days and one lousy plague could have wiped out the whole human race.

The Scriptures were written from tales and historical accounts that were told from father to son before there was written language. As one might expect the next narrator would attach his own interpretations and embellish it some more. By the time it made it to the written Scriptures it was nothing like what the elders had in mind to pass along as a form of wisdom and a guide to fairness and civilized behavior.

Enter the Church and they picked and threw out a lot of it in more recent times. The early Church for example did perform SAME SEX MARRIAGES although nobody talks about it and they will refute it and ask you to prove it. I couldn’t prove it any more than these religious fanatics could prove the existence of heaven or hell…because these are based on FAITH and it has nothing to do with either historical, scientific or common sense…FAITH is a feeling, a belief albeit it might be erroneous, it is held dear as one of the convictions most passionately defended.

So, Rodney, your faith means nothing to me, nor do your Romans 1 and I am not going to tolerate for you to get a secular government to put their seal of approval on your desire to discriminate and make laws that take away my rights. Furthermore, HELL means even less for me since I am not really looking forward to going to some place after my demise where I can find the likes of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and yes, YOU.

If you need the threat of hell to behave well, if you only act in a civilized and reasonable manner because you want to go to HEAVEN then basically you are not really a good person. You should be able to be good because it is in your nature and because you want to be not because of fear or because somebody who wants your tithing tells you that is the way it is.

I suspect Rodney you are a Mormon because this posting was in between some of the “DEBUNKING MORMONISM” posts I made back in May 2010. If that is the case, I suggest that your church will eventually realize that gays have a lot of income and by some miraculous “vision” one of your church elders will have a revelation that gays are to be accepted just the way you did in the 70’s with blacks.

PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.formulatv.com/series/103/queer-as-folk/foros/141/5/arte/