Friday, April 1, 2011


It is just as absurd as President Palin

Now, I have never been a fan of Donald Trump; I always thought of him as a pompous, conceited, self-centered megalomaniac wannabe. It is precisely because he has nothing to be conceited about that I dislike him…if he thinks of himself as sexy or good looking that has to be delusional because aborted fetal matter looks better than him. That is a direct personal attack from me on his appearance.

Now, for his demeanor: The man has absolutely nothing going for him except his arrogance which is emboldened by his money. He never misses an opportunity to flaunt his wealth as when he said that he could run for President because he could easily spend $600 million of his own money in the campaign. That just doesn’t sit well with a lot of us because it is like buying the Presidency…similar to the outrageous amounts donated by special interests to have the best politician money can buy.

There is also a streak of arrogance that just rubs me the wrong way…if you think that President Bush was arrogant, The Donald would totally eclipse him in that department. Look, I suppose that in his take no prisoners, scorch earth business environment he is in it gives him validation and even gloats when he says to somebody: “you are fired”. Of course, he doesn’t think for one minute that his validation is at the expense of somebody, someone who works hard and is smart but Donald Trump trumps them into a position where he can then do away with them.

I seriously doubt that Mr. Trump will run but if he does, he has to understand that for once in his life he is going to be out of his league, he is a successful businessman and has turned the fortune he inherited into a lot more; but that does not qualify him to be President…on that note, seldom do we see a businessman turn politician that becomes a good public servant.

If the Republicans are stupid enough to nominate Donald Trump to run for the Presidency and gets elected then the American people are twice as stupid and deserve somebody like him; they will then be really Trumped.