Saturday, April 30, 2011


Governor Snyder

Now the Governor can actually appoint an administrator who will have unlimited powers.

It has already started in Michigan where they now have a new amazingly undemocratic ruse where if a municipality is in financial trouble then the Governor can send in “an administrator” who will oversee everything and have unlimited power. Gone will be the mayor, the city manager, all the councilmen and it is a black eye on democracy.

The appointed administrator can be any person the Governor chooses to appoint, or can be a corporation. That’s right, the Governor can simply fire an elected official and appoint any corporation he chooses to take over control. Once appointed the administrator has the power to do anything they need in the name of economic stability. This means an appointed corporation can void collective bargaining agreements, void contracts, dissolve school boards, town councils, and even unincorporate the town.

Even more worrysome is the fact that residents get absolutely no say any any of these decisions.

And it just begun in Benton Harbor.

“Gov. Snyder's plan is the same kind of flagrantly undemocratic "emergency rule" used by military dictators to oppose any semblance of democratic opposition to their policies. While no one expects Gov. Snyder will be rounding up dissidents any time soon, the fight in Michigan is NOT about unions; the governor is attempting to wrest from the hands of every citizen of the state of Michigan, the right to determine who governs at the consent of the governed.

His plan declares an immediate end (with no projected restoration) to the founding principle of our democracy: that public officials may govern ONLY at the consent of the governed.

There is no moral, philosophical, legal or practical justification for Gov. Snyder's claim that a "budget emergency" gives him the right or the power to order the suspension of electoral democracy in his state. Those who support his radical agenda will argue that this is not what they intend, that they are merely trying to be "expedient". This is always the argument of statist profiteers who seek to centralize power; this was the argument of Italy's fascists.

The process which allows the people to govern their government is absolutely sacrosanct in our democracy. There is no way for us to be the free society we claim to be, if that process does not remain sacrosanct. The budgetary discomfort and long, difficult days of work that some public officials might face given budgetary discomfort, are absolutely not a justification for eliminating the democratic process or establishing unilateral executive rule.” -