Saturday, October 30, 2010



But under no circumstances let these Republican-Tea-Baggers get away with the crap they have so far gotten away with and has produced a backlash of uneducated, misinformed, gullible marionettes that would go out to the streets carrying misspelled signs to support a rich class they will never be a part of and people who have no alternative solutions other than anarchy and the dismantling of our society.

People, please, listen to me…this is a plea from the heart…I have seen this once before in my native country. The Fidelistas were carrying on against government in much the same fashion that these Tea-baggers are doing in America today…they offered no alternatives, no ideas, no solutions…and ours was a corrupt, imperfect society and government just like in America.

However, we were not so divided in Cuba and the divisions were only along the economic classes …it was the very rich trying to be richer and keep the general population poor. Here in America we are also divided along color lines, economic classes, religious affiliation and ethnic origin. If that was not enough we are also divided in a homophobic struggle by the Evangelicals to force upon the rest of the population their askew interpretations of the Scriptures and the resolve to turn America into a theocracy.

Alan Grayson says:

“Isn't it about time that someone told the truth about the Ridiculous Right? The berserk, bizarre, bonkers, crazy, delirious, demented, drooling, farcical, flipped-out, lunatic, off-the-wall, nutty, unhinged, weird and wild psychos, dullards and tools who have taken over the Republican Party?

Not just tell the truth about Sharron "Obtuse" Angle. Not just tell the truth about Christine "Used To Be a Witch, But It Didn't Pay Well" O'Donnell. But tell the truth and expose someone who doesn't get all the national media, even though he's just as wacko as all the others?”

Think about it for a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself if any of these radical right wing assholes would have been considered anything other than nuts in other times. How long is this crap going to continue? If this is the shape of things to come, please feel sorry for our nation…there is no light at the end of the tunnel…pray if you are religious and if you are not, fight like hell to prevent this from continuing to happen.