Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Increasing numbers of people, yes even those who really don’t think about politics and its implications or what effects it has in their lives…are beginning to see the light.

Someone once told me that “the world is divided in two: the fuckers and the fuckees” Thus we are faced with “the haves and the have nots”. It isn’t fair but as Jimmy Carter once said: “life isn’t fair”

It goes something like this:

If you are poor; just shut your trap and accept it and live your meaningless life serving the rich and the corporations.

If you are Black or Hispanic; just resign yourself to be the maid that cleans the Holiday Inn’s rooms or the meek insignificant slob that washes the pot in those restaurants.

If you are an immigrant; you should be grateful that you were allowed to come into America and pick fruit. If you are undocumented you should be doubly thankful that we let you mow our lawns.

If you are gay; well that is not an option…you didn’t have to “chose” that lifestyle and any negative effects it has on your life you deserve…you had it coming…it is your punishment for not inserting a penis into a vagina.

If you are a member of some other religion that is not Evangelical-Protestant then you are really not a Christian, now are you? You have to be a particular flavor of a faith that is acceptable to Republicans…nothing else will do…particularly if you are devoid of any; like being an Agnostic…you are then not just a sinner and a blasphemous renegade, you are a devil worshiper.

If you lost your life savings in the stock market or your pension because some Bernie Madoff came up with a Ponzi scheme; too bad, you should know better…it is the world of the survival of the fittest and you are not fit enough to function in a competitive society.

If you lost your job due to outsourcing or mechanization then you deserve to be unemployed…you are not good enough to compete, you are obsolete and need to learn new skills or go to work at Burger King. Perhaps you even lost your job because you were a slacker, didn’t produce enough or were not obedient and submissive enough…you had it coming…now pay the price and don’t ask for any unemployment compensation because our country has better things to spend the money on…like foreign wars in countries that represent no threat to America.

If your house was foreclosed tough shit; you had no business wanting or even dreaming of owning a roof above your head…it was really unrealistic of you to think you could actually own something. Just gather up your stinking belongings and take refuge under the expressway…you are trash and deserve to be homeless. How dare you criticize us for having a second home in the Hamptons.

How dare you join a labor union? Don’t you know that you are just supposed to work for very low wages, have no benefits and bite the bullet? Labor Unions are but COMMUNIST endeavors that have no place in a FREEE MARKET ECONOMY.

SOCIAL SECURTIY? Nah, that is a SOCIALIST feature that has to be done away with…and so is PUBLIC EDUCATION…the masses don’t need to be educated; particularly if EVOLUTION is taught in our public schools…they should send their children to private schools or home school them where they can learn what is important like CREATIONISM and how meaningless science is.

Healthcare? Don’t even go there…you don’t deserve to have good health if you can’t pay for it…you have to accept the fact that Health Insurance is expensive and that those insurance outfits really exist to make a profit and nothing else, they are the middleman and parasites that deserve to be there….they have earned their place in our society because they have the big bucks to lobby and buy our politicians…so just shut the fuck up and pay the nice doctor or the hospital or if you don’t like it just curl up in a corner and die quietly and hopefully fast.

Females…well there is one obvious flaw in our society…they have to, they are supposed to stay at home and raise the children, be obedient and “SUBMIT” to their husbands.

I suppose I could go on but that is more or less the message I get from the Teahadist-Republicans now that they no longer pretend to be fair and have America’s best interests in mind.