My grandfather who was illiterate until his thirties when my grandmother who was a Columbia University graduate taught him how to read and write used to say that “Communism is very attractive when you see it written down on paper; but when put into practice it is an utter failure…why? Because it kills man’s incentive”
And a very wise man he was good old grandpa. When I think of the free enterprise system I think that it is ten times more desirable than communism. But when I see it at work in its purest form I can’t help but conclude that it is also an utter failure.
We have warned everyone about this time and time again and people don’t seem to listen. So I am going to repeat it time and time again until I am blue in the face: “THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM IS THE BEST ECONOMIC SYSTEM THERE IS BUT IT HAS TO HAVE REGULATIONS” Why? Because greed has no conscience and the whole system will collapse under its own devices when given free reign.
I like to know if the Koch brothers for example in their exclusive private schools were taught ECONOMICS 101. Or if Murdoch even went to college. We know people like Sarah Palin had very little formal education; neither did Christine O’Donnell and Rand Paul, well he studied the human eye…so how could we possibly trust any of these people to govern our country? How could we possibly have given a man like Ronald Reagan the reigns of power when the premise he held dearest was that “GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM” How can you govern when you start with that premise?
We have seen but a sample, a small sample of what can happen when you eliminate regulations and permit the system to operate freely without any government intervention. We had a taste of it…a very bitter taste of it during the Great Depression America suffered. We had but a small reminder; a “sampler” if you will of what can happen when the Free Enterprise System runs unchecked in the 2008 Economic Crisis.
Yet, there are those TEA BAG-REPUBLICANS who are trying to convince us and sell us a bill of goods. “LESS GOVERNMENT, LESS REGULATIONS, TAX INCENTIVES FOR THE RICH AND CORPORATIONS and sadly, a tired, old, debunked economic concept: “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS”.
I have but one observation for the very rich and the corporations: You keep this shit up and your wealth will disappear. Why? Because when a rigid oligarchy is well established there will be no economic activity and thus no profits. So you might as well pack it up and take whatever millions you have left after the next Wall Street crash and the following economic crisis and go to another country because America is not going to be a very pleasant place to live…not even for you in your isolated mansions and secured gated communities.