Or is the Obama administration going to send each and every living American a registered letter in the mail with a copy of the fucking birth certificate? Will that satisfy them? No it will not, because Obama is black and the real motives behind this dehumanizing tactic is racism.
It usually goes this way: If you are employed you might say “too bad you lost your job, you probably were not working hard enough and deserved to get fired” or “your company was irrelevant so it went out of business”.
If you are on Medicare you really don’t care if there are people out there not getting medical care. If you have health insurance you don’t think that those millions who don’t have it really matter.But don't touch my Medicare.
If you are on Social Security, you are not concerned that people can’t pay their bills because they are not old enough to retire, they should work like you did. But don't touch my Social Security.
If you are having your home foreclosed then you deserve it because you dared to want what all the other homeowners had. Never mind that the banks were using predatory practices and confused you into signing an unreasonable mortgage. You should have known better, that there is no free lunch. You can't pay your mortgage because you lost your job due to your company shipping it overseas to increase their profits? Tough shit...It is part of the new Globalization of the Economy...a trend that is here to stay.
If you are rich then you really don’t want to pay more taxes, you are happy with what ex-President Bush gave you: a very generous tax cut (through reconciliation) and you don’t want it to return to the same it was before this tax cut for the rich was instituted. Besides, you want to keep that second home in the Hamptons and that vacation get away in Martinique.
If you are a Tea bagger you say: “Less government spending, less government, don’t mortgage our children’s future” (did you say anything when Bush did it?)
If you are a person born outside of the U.S. you should be grateful they allowed you to come here and clean floors or pick fruit, but don’t you dare get sick or be in an accident and use the emergency room at the hospital, that is not cool. Don’t send your children to public schools either, because they don’t deserve an education.
You are a protestor, perhaps you are a person of faith and you might say: “less government interference, more prayer, no abortion and stress family values” (but you do want the government to go after people who are not like you…perhaps even go in their bedrooms and carry them away to jail for engaging in abominable sexual behavior) And you keep insisting this is a Christian Nation when our Founding Fathers were abundantly clear in specifying that there should be a separation of Church and State.
What I have gathered from all these protests is that what they want is: No Social Security, No Medicare, No business regulations, more tax cuts (for the rich) prayer in the schools, illegal abortion, persecution of gays, no more science taught in our schools, evolution theory outlawed and replaced with Creationism, you don’t want the Federal Government, if you had your way your State should be able to become independent or secede from the Union and allow gun carrying thugs to intimidate anyone who is not like them.
Are all these people insane? Have you noticed they talk in sound bites? Have you noticed they offer no alternatives? Have you noticed they have no real programs, no ideas, nothing, they offer absolutely nothing except chaos and anarchy? Have you seen their bumper stickers, signs and t-shirts?
When you see the mobs on the Right being encouraged by talk of secession or revolution or spilling the "blood of tyrants" into a robot-like frenzy, understand that what you are witnessing are the echoes of political decisions made in the wake of September 11, 2001. And make no mistake about it; these are not spontaneous grass root movements. The Republicans are behind it and through their propaganda machine the Fox network they have taken the absurd and the craziness to a new level.
Whether it is that odious, unconstitutional Arizona anti-immigration law or the inflammatory rhetoric directed at Muslim Americans in connection with the building of a Muslim Community Center...not a Mosque...the signs are there: Republicans and Tea Baggers are racists, xenophobic, homophobic and ignorant puppets of the Fox network and their hate spewing personalities.
It doesn't even register with them that there was a Mosque on the 17th floor of the second tower that was destroyed and along with it more than 100 Muslims perished side by side with Christians and Jews...what would be right to do is to actually build a real Mosque to replace the one that was destroyed by those terrorists...and build it right on the grounds of the World Trade Center...that to me would be real justice and show the rest of the world and these fanatical assholes on the right that America is better than that.
Political decisions that trained the Right to believe, on a visceral level, that a sufficiently bloody and horrifying disruption to the life of the country can -- if properly exploited -- wash away their eight otherwise-unforgivable years of sin, incompetent arrogance and restore "their country" to its proper, wing nut default setting: VIVA THE COUNTRY OF WASPHs. (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Heterosexuals)