Tuesday, October 26, 2010



THE CLASS WARS HAVE BEEN FOUGHT ALREADY – and the rich and corporations won. What we now have in America is a welfare state for the very rich and the corporations. However, there is a glimmer of hope in the horizon as not all billionaires are insensitive assholes. Some realize that money has to actually filter down rather than being hoarded by the top 2% because TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS just don’t work.

A GOOD EXAMPLE TO ALL OF US; William Henry Gates III): Microsoft Founder; Being the richest man in the world, a cofounder of the software company Microsoft, and for being one of the world's most generous philanthropists.

These are some of the projects Bill Gates has been busy with since leaving the helm of Microsoft:

Improving College Completion in the U.S.

, Sal’s Amazing Global Academy

Knowledge is Power in the South Bronx

The Evolution of Energy Use

A Powerful Film About Education in America

Better Farms – Improved Lives

Raising the Grade on Teacher, Student Performance

What Makes for a Good Bridge Partner?

For Mothers & Babies, a Brighter Future

Calling for Energy Technology Innovation

Bill Gates Philanthropy
Being the richest man in the world has also enabled Gates to create one of the world's largest charitable foundations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has an endowment of more than $28 billion, with donations totaling more than $1 billion every year. The foundation was formed in 2000 after merging the "Gates Learning Foundation" and "William H. Gates Foundation". Their aim is to "bring innovations in health and learning to the global community".

But most importantly; Bill Gates along with a few other billionaires are committed to a project that will donate one half…yes, you read that right; one half of their wealth away.

More than 30 US billionaires pledged to give away at least 50 per cent of their wealth to charity as part of a campaign by investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

That to me is not just admirable but commendable. While spoiled rich brats like the Koch brothers use up their time and money to hurt the country by creating think tanks and secret organizations that will change the political landscape into one big, conservative oligarchy.

Then there are others who have been working behind the scenes, lurking in the shadows of their little house on C-Street to change the political system so they can actually establish a theocracy in America.

PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.entmoney.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Bill-Gates1.


SOURCE: http://www.woopidoo.com/biography/bill-gates.htm