Monday, October 4, 2010



The majority of Americans are presently experiencing buyer’s remorse at best or total disgust with the fact they elected such a nitwit as their leader. Sarah Palin has exceeded all expectations of displaying mediocrity, ignorance, incompetence and arrogance. These were some of the traits that got ex-President Bush the rap of “the worse President we ever had” but President Palin is making Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar in the intellect department and Mother Theresa in the compassion one.

Two years into her Presidency there are already an estimated four million Americans in exile; most of them in Mexico and Canada. The economy went from stagnant to a full blown depression in less than six months after her inauguration. The stock market crash brought about the closing of banks and the end to many business practices like the using of checks, credit cards and ATMs. The dollar is worthless when put side by side with other currencies.

There are an estimated 92,000,000 million Americans unemployed and since the Palin government has suspended all Social Security payments until the case is brought in front of the Supreme Court that claims Social Security is unconstitutional, there will be no more payments for seniors. Medicare and Medicaid have had a similar fate and now even Veterans Affairs has been dissolved and Veteran’s Hospitals across the nation have been turned over to private ownership.

President Palin has been described as “trigger happy” she does not hesitate to send in National Guard Troops into some American city and kill hundreds as if she was hunting down some caribou…she doesn’t even flinch…her tough “Mama Grizzly” image was really true, not a publicity stunt…the woman is ferocious.

But now something new has been added to the mix. President Palin knows that her days in that office are numbered…either by a coup or by the total collapse of the American government that would render her Presidency irrelevant. So Palin is now talking about war with Iran and North Korea. She is also claiming that Russia is plotting right alongside these two nations and has revived the “Axis of Evil” term.

All kinds of efforts are being made both privately and officially to raise funds to go to war with Iran and North Korea. But money is not coming in…hell, Americans don’t even have enough money to eat, do you think they are going to donate for yet another war? The rich are not giving either…surprised? You shouldn’t be…the rich hang on to their money…they hoard it. That is why Reagan’s “Trickle Down Economics” never worked. Do you really think that the rich and the corporations are going to part with any of their wealth and give it to Sarah Palin to go fight a war against Iran and North Korea? Palin knows that the only way she is going to stay as President is if America goes to war.

There has always been a hint of rivalry between Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh was clearly pissed when Palin picked Dingleberry Huckleby for Vice President and not him. But now Limbaugh is openly defying and criticizing the President, much in the same way he did Obama. Palin has said that if Rush keeps it up he is going to be arrested and deemed an “ENEMY COMBATANT TRAITOR”…we shall see…it will happen in the few weeks.Rush had express his intentions of retiring and going to live in Costa Rica.

Lastly, one very curious trend is beginning to appear: manufacturing jobs are coming back...since unemployment is so high people are willing to work for ridiculously low wages and American companies are starting to take advantage of this. Also, there are all kinds of "sweat shops" springing up everywhere manufacturing anything and everything from clothes to toys. It is no longer cheaper to buy these from Asia or Latin America.