Sunday, October 24, 2010



There is no doubt that the Democrats are in trouble. Then again we really can’t tell how much or how bad this trouble is. We can only be optimistic and think that the American voter in one final and decisive exercise of conscience and sanity will reject the Tea Bag-Republicans and their disastrous agenda.

This kind of sums it up:

“Most politicians arouse my skepticism. Not to mention what we are subjected to on a daily basis that masquerades as news.

My point is, the seemingly ever-growing masses of "sheeple" don’t seem to have a fully developed or functioning B.S. meter. If they did, they wouldn’t be so easily led to believe the half-truths and outright lies being spread by talking heads and politicians with hidden agendas. One thing is certain, fear is a powerful tool being wielded every day by those who strive to divide and turn us Americans against each other. Yes, I said Americans, not Caucasian Americans or African Americans.

Be skeptical, when you hear our duly elected president referred to as a half-Kenyan Muslim, the meter in your head should tell you that whoever is doing the talking is skirting around and talking about race. When that red-faced, screaming Tea Party candidate says "we’re gonna take back our country" the translation is, "take back the country from those who don’t look like us."

Tony Jackson (Hendersonville, TN):

So a while back when Jimmy Carter was asked about the Tea-Baggers and the backlash that was starting to appear he said that it was all about RACISM. Of course, a lot of people were upset that he said it but he was right. Jimmy Carter should know this very well…he is from the South and he is an intelligent man; he had it nailed.

A lot has happened since and we have seen how a Rand Paul has expressed his dislike of the Civil Rights Bill of the 60’s, how a Sharon Angle has said some of the most outrageous things and has not paid a price for saying it including the privatization of SOCIAL SECURTIY and SECOND AMENDMENT OPTIONS.

And the CULTURE WAR is raging: the reigning darling of the Tea Bag-Republicans Jim Demint said:


Does he really think that he can put the toothpaste back in the tube? Gays are not going to go back in the closet.

We have seen the Arizona law come to fruition and a racist governor signing it into law and defending it as if it was something Constitutional and not the odious xenophobic-racist law that it is…even the American people have made it known that they might support a law such as the “SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS ARIZONA LAW”.

Opportunist fear mongering, xenophobia, racial profiling, “show me your papers”

And not to be outdone, there have been a few nut cases parading as legitimate candidates from the Tea Bag-Republican Party that uttered their total ignorance of the Constitution and the 1st Amendment assuming that there is really nothing implicit in it that specifies the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.

To put the icing on the cake we even had one douche bag running for Congress from Texas (Republican congressional candidate Stephen Broden) advocating armed conflict against the government if the elections don’t go their way.