Saturday, October 23, 2010



Those powers that be who determined that empowering the Tea Bag Party was a good idea and would bring benefits to the agenda of the Republican Party may very well live to see the day they regret that decision. The Tea Baggers not only have taken over the Republican Party but they have thrown under the bus moderate and otherwise sensible individuals like Charlie Crist who would otherwise have been very electable.

The idea that these come from nowhere, obscure and radical wing-nuts hijacked the primaries and even got to place the names of some pretty outlandish individuals on the ballot does not mean that the Tea Party is right nor that it can win elections. It merely means that they are too stubborn to listen to reason, to obstinate to even consider compromise and far too long on ideology and too short on solutions.

I dare anybody argue that if any of these people if elected would actually get to Congress and enact any significant legislation. Not in a thousand years will Americans consent to doing away with their safety nets. Never in the wildest dreams of any one in America would we consider taking away money from the poor and the middle class and just handing it over to the very rich; and as insane as it all seems, to do it while getting our country into more debt so that the rich can be better off…Listen douche bags…they are already far too well off.

It occurs to me that a lot of these Tea Baggers are also Fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals. In my book I classify them as religious fanatics; just as they adopt a position or an ideology on faith based on erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures they also tend to do the same with our Constitution. The religious fanatics will cling on to one passage of the Bible ignoring all others. The Constitutional fanatic will cling on to one passage of our Constitution and ignore everything else, even at the expense of compromising common sense and the security and stability of our nation.

So the Income Tax is unconstitutional? Isn’t also the Air Force unconstitutional? Well, neither one was mentioned by our Founding Fathers.