Saturday, October 23, 2010

We would be in worse shape with Republicans

If we did nothing like Republicans want…wouldn’t we be in worse shape?

I posted this a while back and how it remains relevant just before the November elections.

I think that it is a matter of logic and common sense. When you look at the slow recovery of the economy even after all the stimulus money and the bailouts; if you see the unemployment numbers not diminishing yet, and taking into consideration all the billions of dollars that have been thrown into the mix to fix the problem, then you have to conclude that doing nothing would have had worse consequences.

The Republicans and George W. got us into this mess…and they want to do nothing to fix the chaos they left behind? I don’t think so. The argument that it is “too expensive” and that “big government is not desirable” and we are “getting into debt” just doesn’t hold water. For once Republicans, step up to the plate and accept responsibility for the frickin’ mess you left behind rather than blaming Obama and the Democrats.

You have done nothing but obstruct and sabotage any efforts to fix this crisis. Do you really think that is the patriotic and right thing to do? Do you think that your tired mantra of “having kept our country safe” is not unrealistic in view of the fact that there were attacks and terrorism incidents after 9/11? We are not going to let you off the hook so easily. Rudy 9/11 Jiuliani can just about pack it in and forget to ever be relevant again, we are tired of his antics and his exploiting that sad attack on America.

Cheney can also shut the hell up because we know he is not going to change history to change a legacy that is very condemning of him and the Bush administration. Facts are there and you are not entitled to your own facts.