Saturday, January 22, 2011

The amount of gloating over Keith Olbermann’s departure is repugnant

As one would expect, the ultra right is now celebrating the departure of Keith Olbermann

There could not have been a bigger thorn on the side of conservatives than Keith. He relentlessly attacked and debunked all the Teahadist-Republican talking points and he did so with facts and with a great degree of excellent rhetoric. His strongest points were his eloquence and his delivery which pissed the hell out of right-wing nuts. Perhaps that is why he was summarily dismissed the minute Comcast’s deal to acquire MSNBC was approved…obviously the asshole who now owns the network is a low down piece of shit conservative and I am sure he found Keith Olbermann to be an irritant as many on the extreme right do; it seems like the douchebag new owner of the network values his ideology more than his pocketbook.

We might see more of this in the near future as the emboldened ultra-right extremists drown out and inflict mortal wounds on FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF THE PRESS.

This is what some on the ultra right fringes are saying:

Over the course of Keith Olbermann’s career at MSNBC, the host kept putting his foot in his mouth:

‘That woman is an idiot.’— May 13, 2010, referring to Sarah Palin

‘I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war.’— July 3, 2007

‘You saved no one, Mr. Cheney. All you did was help kill Americans. You were negligent before 9/11.’— May 19, 2009

‘Reagan’s dead, and he was a lousy president.’— June 5, 2004

And yet, Ms. Palin IS AN IDIOT, Mr. Bush did LIE TO AMERICA to get us into war, Cheney should be tried as a war criminal at the court in The Hague because he did cause thousands of DEAD AMERICANS and TENS OF THOUSANDS IRAQUI deaths.
And yes, Republicans did drive this country to the brink of bankruptcy as well as benefiting the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class. So…Teahadist-Republicans, no matter what you say and how you say it…Keith Olbermann was speaking the truth and he backed it with facts; which is a lot more than one could say about the O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh characters who make up shit and lie to the American public and do so with a straight face. And of course, Reagan, that patron saint of conservatives was indeed one of the worst Presidents America ever had.

So, telling the truth is now defined by the ultra right as “PUTTING YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH”

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was reported that champagne purchases rose 4,000 percent shortly after 9 PM last night. I am sure that cases upon cases were delivered to FAUX new headquarters and a sizeable amount to fill Rushie Bouncie Bouncie’s bathtub was sent to his waterfront Florida mansion.