Tuesday, January 18, 2011


That is the question and the jury is still out on that one


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I can only tell you about my close experiences with the subject; as an uncircumcised male I have absolutely no complaints about the fact that there is a little extra me in the equation. I have never had any difficulties keeping it clean nor did it ever cause any medical problems for me. I think that it was in part due to the fact that my dad had a talk with me about the time I embarked upon the tortuous road into puberty and explained to me how to keep it clean and the consequences of not doing just that.

But the most disturbing experience I had was about the time my oldest daughter was to be born…in those days they could not determine the sex of the baby yet and I had a very heated argument both with the doctor who delivered the baby and the mother, now the ex-wife. I stood solidly against it because I considered it to be a form of mutilation, a way of religion interjecting and putting control over our lives and because I also thought that when you are uncut there is more sensitivity and thus sex is more enjoyable.

The baby was born and it was a girl; thus the whole argument didn’t need to be played out; but as luck or misfortune would have it; the woman sharing the room in the hospital with the new mother had a beautiful baby boy, all 11 pounds of him were a delight to see and they named him Filomeno. Unbeknown to anybody the baby boy had Billy Rubin and while he was in the nursery he hemorrhaged severely; when the nurses found him it was too late. The doctors were able to save his life but enough damage was done that the prognosis at the time was that he would be severely retarded.

My anger grew, my indignation was at its peak when my ex-wife’s doctor had walked in to give her the release to go home. I chewed her a new asshole and told her that because of their greed to get an extra $250 for the circumcision now there was this person who will have to go through life severely retarded. There was no need for that and that sealed my conviction that only in extreme cases where there exists a medical problem is circumcision a desirable option.

The Facts Behind Circumcision

“Newborn male circumcision is the most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S. It's a common misconception that there are tangible health benefits to male circumcision, but the truth is no medical society in the world recommends it. This invasive procedure carries serious health risks, including infection, hemorrhage, surgical mishap, and death, as well many ethical considerations.

Yet, despite these risks, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are developing public health recommendations that could mislead more parents into agreeing to circumcision for their newborn baby boys. Intact America is demanding that these organizations issue a truthful statement on the risks and harms of newborn male circumcision.”

SOURCES: http://www.intactamerica.org/learnmore
