So why use them as irritant and foment divisiveness?
There is a lot of controversy whether this vitriolic, violence suggestions rhetoric has any consequences or not. The Teahadist-Republicans keep saying that it does not and that these shootings and domestic terrorist attacks are just conducted by deranged people and has nothing to do with the way they are expressing their displeasure…the fact that those attacks are carried out to people they have “targeted” is purely coincidental…so the Teahadist-Republicans say.
I pose this question to you and to them: If these words are empty words, not meant to create controversy and they have no effect on society; then why do they insist in using them? They damn well know that those words mean something and have consequences and that is why they do it. Never mind the FREE SPEECH lame excuse…freedom of speech ends when you become irresponsible and use speech to hurt others and or hurt your country.
I found it hard to believe at first; in those days of the August Congressional recess that some segments of the population would be naïve and gullible enough to buy into what the Tea Baggers were selling. I really didn’t think that a radical, right wing bunch of ignorant and uneducated ideologues could actually make much headway in our political process…BOY, WAS I WRONG!
I suppose that there is a degree of veracity in the axiom that proposes that if you tell a lie enough times, keep repeating it over and over again people would actually begin to believe it. Birthers, Death Panel, Government take over of Healthcare, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is a Marxist-socialist, blah, blah, blah…and we surprisingly find a great number of people that to the present day still believe that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and even some that say Hussein was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Please don’t tell me that this is not so because I run into it on a daily basis. I get nasty “anonymous” comments on this blog; I read the letters to the editor in my local papers, I listen to some of these radio callers and the amount of ignorance and misinformation never ceases to amaze me.
Of course there are people out there who will not admit that facts are credible. A good example of this is the recent repudiation by Speaker Boehner that the study that was conducted by an independent panel had their rights to their “opinions” but that he didn’t agree with them. No matter what it is said, these people would continue on their irresponsible, hate-filled rhetoric, remarks with racist undertones and even if you hit them in the face with the truth they wil go: nah, nah, nah, nah, nah as they block their ears with their middle finger.
As horrible as the Holocaust was, not just a black eye in the face of civilization but a festering boil on the body of humanity; it remains the sacred cow. Nobody can refer to it or even mention it, nobody that is except the Republicans who have often compared Obama with Hitler and other tyrants…they will use this over and over again and not be called out on it. But let a progressive liberal make a dumb statement and they are all over them…relentless and unforgiving. It seems that free speech only applies to Republicans and only when you are saying what they want to hear.It is perfectly acceptable to them to go into a town hall meeting and disrupt public discourse and it is cool to obstruct legislation and sabotage any efforts to help America recover from the mess Republicans left...that they call freedom of speech. But if the Democrats even dare to present facts and confront them with them it is called tyrannical and fascist.
We have to make them understand, make them listen, somehow discourage them from using this volatile rhetoric because not only is it hurting people in “the crosshairs” but it is sinking a dagger in the heart of America. We are a divided nation and I start with myself…I admit that it is going to be a cold day in hell before I accept the Republican ideology, that I would actually move to the right of the political spectrum because without a doubt progressives and liberals have not just reason and facts on their side but also they have been and always will be on the right side of history.