Thursday, January 20, 2011

Michelle Bachmann – the cheap rhinestone trinket of right-wing trash jewelry

You’ve got to love that Michelle…she is saying that Health Care Reform is “The Crown Jewel of Obama’s Socialism”

“It has nothing to do with our American way of life. So we need to get rid of it, because quite frankly it’s the crown jewel of socialism, and it’s got to go,” she said.

Really Michelle, our American way of life? What exactly is that? Dying from lack of medical attention, having to declare bankruptcy and losing all you’ve got because you had no health insurance? Or is it denying claims over some miniscule detail? What about insuring only those who are low risks? I would suppose that any type of insurance involves some risk…that is the crux of the equation…but these greedy insurance companies are only interested in raking in the profits and doing so on the backs of the poor and the middle class…Does that way of life you so vehemently tout include financial ruin for Americans and America? Or is it because they contribute heftily to your campaign and you are in their pockets?

I wonder if Michelle Bachmann ever heard of the Great Depression?…maybe that is what she means when she refers to “The American Way of Life”

That is something the Republicans are not letting go…trying to dehumanize the President and belittle him in the most unpatriotic and asinine way. Get over yourself Michelle, if President Obama was a SOCIALIST he would have pushed for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE instead, he chose to benefit the insurance companies by continuing to include them in the legislation and giving them millions of new policies. Mind you, those same insurance companies who are benefiting from this are not really on your side or agree with you even though they are no more than parasites that offer no real service or product…and just like you who offers no alternative solutions except mouthing off the word SOCIALISM. You are a douche bag Ms. Bachman and have no business in Congress.

As the saying goes…”you are known by the company you keep” Here is Michelle Bachman with Birther-Queen Orly Taitz