Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is what some are saying about President Obama’s performance

Of course, exclude the Teahadist-Republicans who are hell bent on dehumanizing and humiliating a great man.

Not only has it become abundantly clear that the Teahadist-Republicans say “NO” to anything and everything that comes from this administration but they also have as their number one priority to make Obama a one term President…they have stated so numerous times…never mind jobs and the economy; forget about assuming responsibility for the mess they left us with after 8 years of incompetence and arrogance.

Sadly, it is this arrogance and a blind allegiance to a bankrupt ideology inherited from President Reagan that motivates these people…because they will never in a million years admit that they are wrong even if you present them with facts. They could care less about truth or accuracy, they will consistently throw out erroneous information on purpose in order to mislead the American people and so far it has worked on a limited basis among those less fortunate than we are who do not have the intelligence nor the predisposition to look into facts, reason or even abandon their wicked ways of racism.

This is what Bill in Portland Maine said in his evaluation of President Obama and the outlook for America:

Thu Jan 20, 2011

730 Days Later...

January 20, 2009. What a day. Remember that intimate little gathering? If I recall correctly, Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed the Oath and, for 24 hours, the Executive Branch and our military were led---with admirable dexterity, I might add---by Aretha Franklin's hat.

And here we are---[Blink!]---two years later. Naturally, I can't help but offer a mini performance review here at the half-way mark of Term One (of Two). So here are some quick thoughts:

Foreign Relations: Beloved by a huge portion of the world. Effective at helping restore America's good name among countries antagonized by the previous administration; numerous trips abroad to forge stronger relations and universal cooperation on a range of issues.

Domestic Issues: Supporter of economic stimulus activity; advocate for improvements in health care, especially in children and young adults; strong advocate on behalf of military families; promoter of national service; leader on women's issues.

Personal: Optimistic, outgoing, energetic, persistent, forward-looking, resilient, congenial, intelligent; strong moral compass; excellent spouse, parent and pet owner.

Midterm grade: A+

Summary: A first-class, first-rate First Lady.

Please indulge me and allow me to add a few more things to that: Our world-wide perception has gone from the very deep negatives due to Bush’s and the Republicans arrogance and bellicose nature to a plus. It is clear that America is admired once more for its principles and living up to a country that is humble and at the same time dignified; one which carries the banner of freedom and democracy to the rest of the world without having to humiliate and invade foreign nations.

Our President knows that being receptive to dialogue, to attempt at reconciliation, to be pragmatic and not abrasive is one of our major strengths. He is using it to the best of his ability and my kudos goes to the President in the area of foreign relations. Of course, it didn’t hurt either that he persuaded Hillary Clinton to take on the difficult job of Secretary of State…there too one should offer accolades because she is doing a terrific job.

A black man and his family are living in the White house and the racists can't accept that

In domestic issues the President and the Democratic Party have achieved what many believed to be impossible: to actually pass significant legislation regardless of the obstructionism and sabotage the GOP has offered. While many of us on the left think that the President bends over backwards a bit too much and will give away the store before he even starts to negotiate…some progress has been made albeit it not being large or significant enough…but hey, we take what we can get…it is a lot better than do nothing and maintaining the status quo that Republicans offer and was what got us into trouble.

And on a personal level; most of us in the middle and on the left admire the qualities of this man. It is not just a refreshing change from the politics of yesteryear and the incompetence, inarticulate arrogance of his predecessor. We know we have in President Obama a very intelligent person, even if the right-wing wants to erase that fact and I for one love it when our Commander in Chief is more intelligent than I am.

Lastly, about the first Lady: Michelle Obama has shown her mettle…she is not just graceful, kind and articulate but has a flair for showing dignity, for bearing class and style. She encapsulates everything that is good and beautiful in a black woman. This woman is awesome!.