Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The GOP says – No, we’re not racists, xenophobic, homophobic and we don’t engage in hate talk or encourage violence – wink, wink, wink, wink.

But the Teahadist-Republicans don’t repudiate it either, nor do they admit to excluding minorities.

Demographics are a very strong current that will do the GOP in. They will realize that when they are left with racists, white supremacists, Fundamentalist-Evangelicals, the misinformed/ignorant and the very rich they will have systematically excluded Blacks, Latinos, Gays, union members, the middle class and the poor. That in itself is a compelling argument for the Republicans being on the wrong side of history.

When they finish throwing under the bus all those Republicans who are moderate, albeit a bit too conservative for my taste; when they destroy the labor unions, decimate the middle class and when more attacks by domestic terrorists deprive us of our freedom of speech; I hope then it will not be too late for the majority of Americans to tell the Republicans they are finished; that is if our great nation can survive their attack on democracy, the Constitution and the middle and poor classes.

The Republicans have to stop this welfare system for the rich and the corporations…they just have to or our nation will perish…stop taking from the poor and giving it to the rich…stop your vitriol and your lies…time will come when nobody, I mean nobody will believe your crap any more.