Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Republicans, you can’t silence or intimidate us on this one.

Toning it down, closing the door, turning the page are not options at this point

What was the reaction of Teahadist-Republicans to this Tucson tragedy? It was simply to say that the left does it too and that we are just as bad. Come on, seriously? Carrying a sign is not the same as carrying a gun. Criticism of Sarah Palin does not even compare to putting crosshairs on a public servant. Nor does a Sharon Angle statement to exercise 2nd Amendment options compare to the repudiation of their vitriol.

The left so far has not done any of these things and as far as I am concerned, we don’t need to, we shouldn’t tone down our repudiation of hate speech and violence suggestions even if they are subliminal because that is precisely what the Teahadist-Republicans want: to sweep it under the rug and pretend that it is a normal, business as usual type of political environment. No, we are not going to let this one get away, even if President Obama and Bill Clinton say we should tone it down.

The Republican-Teahadists know no barriers, no limits on their arrogance, they have no principles and will continue this same tenor of aggression, obstructionism, legislative sabotage and yes…they want to continue to feel free to use imagery that demonizes Democrats and in particular the President all the while employing inflammatory rhetoric that might motivate some deranged individual to do some horrific act of violence.

So, here it is once more, Sarah Palin…you can’t wink your way out of this one because you will not be allowed to “RELOAD”