Saturday, January 8, 2011

Too late Mr. Speaker…you should have repudiated this kind of violence long, long ago.

Maybe now you will have a valid reason to cry for your stupidity

As you read this you might think that I am jumping to conclusions; there is no information as to the motives of this young man to take such an abominable action. But make no mistake about it, even if he was not motivated by some askew political ideology…this has the markings of a deranged, degenerate right-wing fanatic’s action. Perhaps he was influenced by all this toxic rhetoric from right wing politicians and radio talk personalities.

The exploitation of people’s fears and prejudices, the crazy talk coming from candidates like Sharon Angle who openly prescribed 2nd Amendment Options if elections didn’t go the Teahadist-Republicans way. All of this, we warned them was destructive and required their full repudiation but they never came across with it.

We began to experience this disregard for public discourse during the August Congressional recess when Tea Baggers were even bused in and financed by the likes of the Koch brothers. Now we have a powder keg in our midst and it just began to explode…it was almost expected.

House Speaker John Boehner said he was "horrified" by the shooting.

"An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve," he said. "Acts and threats of violence against public officials have no place in our society."

Isn’t it a bit too late Mr. Speaker?

There are conflicting reports but it is said that a total of 18 people were shot including Federal District Chief Judge John Roll who is among the dead, law enforcement sources said. A Democratic member of Congress who asked not to be identified said one of the dead was a Giffords staffer as well as a 9 year old girl.

At this time, we understand that Rep. Giffords underwent surgery and is in critical condition. The spokesperson for the hospital said that they were optimistic about the recovery of the Congresswoman. Also, one innocent child has died. The gunman fired at least 20 rounds. The suspect has been identified as 22 year-old Jared Laughner. The authorities are now examining evidence from the alleged assailant where it is said he stated in his "My Space" "Please, don't be mad at me." The assassinated judge is Judge John Roll.

The President of the United States has stated in a press conference: “We are going to get through this; we are going to get to the bottom of this. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gabrielle and her family and at times like this we will do what we Americans do best: we come together”

President Obama addresses today's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 17 others at a political event at a grocery store in Tucson, Arizona. Six people are dead.