Sunday, October 24, 2010



Where are you coming from? Do you forget where you started out? Do you remember who paid for your education? Do you know the sacrifices we had to make so you could go to a good college? (some of you didn’t even finish the 7th grade)

No, you probably don’t and I am here to remind all of you Tea Bag-Republicans that some of us didn’t fritter our money away…we could have taken leisurely vacations, eaten in better restaurants, worn nicer clothes and driven nicer cars…but we didn’t.

We put up with all the bullshit of the corporate world…worked for companies that didn’t even deserve our effort and dedication because when push came to shove they discarded us like used toilet tissue and took our jobs overseas where they don’t even pay a living wage…

Lest anybody forget that it was us…it was on the back of our seniors…then spry, full of life and health that these corporations made their billions. It was us who cleaned their floors and waited on their tables. It was us who picked their fruit and mowed their lawns…and now they want to deport us?

For some of us SENIORS; we were duped into putting our money in retirement accounts. We were told that it would be safe…that we would have a nest egg to do as we pleased with it. Some of us even worked for more progressive companies that matched dollar for dollar the amounts we had taken out of our paychecks weekly. Where is that money now? It existed…it was there…do you think we are stupid? We know we were robbed…we know you Republicans got that money and those who did, got our country into the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression…We are not going to let you forget that. Oh sure, you might get away with it with impunity but not in my book and not with my vote.

And you still want us to buy into your fear mongering? You still want to scare us with the Socialism bullshit? Some of us…and I am hoping the majority of us SENIOR CITIZENS are not going to buy into your lies and your bullshit.

And George W. Bush says that the biggest disappointment of his presidency was not being able to privatize Social Security…had my Social Security been in private accounts it would have gone the same route as my retirement and 401K pension…zero…zilch…nada…and now I am poor…are you happy? But that is not enough is it? You want to take away my Medicare, you want to do away with the only source of income I have…and that is not enough to feed sparrows…while you get our country into debt so that the richest Americans can get underserved tax breaks and you can go and invade another country, totally destroy it and then rebuild it with my hard earned tax dollars and the IOUs that my children and grandchildren will have to pay off. Do you think we are stupid?

Yet, in order to regain power you are willing to see us live out of cardboard boxes under the overpass. How compassionate, how Christian, how American of you.