Friday, October 22, 2010



It is not too difficult to fathom the intentions, the philosophy and the pure lack of responsibility that comes from unbridled greed. They know they are the cause of the problems and opt to make the situation worse; that is where the evil comes in.

We see the likes of Glen Beck selling gold like the old time elixir salesmen. We see Rush Limbaugh now promoting the idea of food insurance. It is almost laughable and at the same time tragic.

Here are two people whose ideology is so perverse that they know there will be catastrophic events somewhere down the line. They know this and they realize that some kind of crisis is near. So they are squeezing the last drop of profit they can and not even worrying about what lies ahead.

This crisis is sadly the direct result of greed taking over and driving the economy and the country into a tailspin kamikaze crash. They are aware of it and still will do nothing to stop it, or try to prevent it…on the contrary; they are profiting from it.

The question is simply this: who do they think anybody will be able to sell their gold when the apocalyptic collapse happens? Will the insurance for food actually pay anybody anything in view of the fact that money will be meaningless and those insurance providers will be certainly out of business?

How naïve…or I should say how perverse it is to be selling gold by scaring people, knowing full well that gold will be worthless and worse yet, even if we don’t have a melt-down, that gold they are selling is way overpriced and a total rip-off.

You hear it every day, frequently and they are very alarming ads. “Buy gold now, protect your wealth, it is an investment that will keep your future safe” and so on; they tell you to be scared. It is almost always followed by some motivation of urgency, the world is coming to an end and you will be holding gold, it will save you from ruin and despair…etc. It will even help you get through THE RAPTURE.

I couldn’t agree with this at all because gold is as high as you could possibly buy it now. To buy something when it is high is insane. You are constantly told to buy low and sell high, so why should gold be any different?

But that is not the only intricacy of this transaction. What really happens is that you are overwhelmed by all kinds of service charges and costs that are not apparent when you do decide to turn some of your cash into gold. Good luck if you try to convert some of your investments into gold; you are in for the ride of your life. It has been pointed out by many including Rep. Anthony Weiner of NY (D) that in order to make the purchase of gold worthwhile would be if the price went up 200% and that is a practical impossibility.

If you don’t believe me how inflated the price of buying gold is then try to sell some on your own. What you do can do is gather all your old rings, chains, damaged jewelry and any gold you have sitting around and send it to one of these companies that buy this stuff. Then divide the money you got by the weight and compare it to the price you pay when you buy as compared to when you sell.

The reality is that a lot of us have lost confidence in gold as well as the stock market. The stock market has traditionally been a place where all these speculators who make it their whole life’s endeavor to invest and speculate AND CHEAT YOU OUT OF YOUR NEST EGG. These are the people who are successful at it, not you and I who work for a living and really don’t have a clue what we are doing.