Sunday, February 27, 2011


Republicans talk about deficit reduction, smaller government, fiscal responsibility…they are hypocrites.

America has accumulated an alarming debt because the Republicans insisted on cutting taxes for the very rich and then borrow money to compensate for that revenue that is not coming in. Their tired rants about how it is not possible to fix the economic mess they left behind by raising taxes on the rich when the country is still in a recession because taxes actually deprive the economy of money. Again, that tired old Reagan asinine axiom “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” at work. The Republican-Teahadists live by it and are not even recognizing that there is no factual basis for this crazy idea which papa Bush called “VODOO ECONOMICS”

If that premise was to be taken as factual and the truth, then how come we have had this damaging economic crisis? The very rich and the corporations had their tax breaks and that money didn’t go into circulation nor did it prevent the economic meltdown.

All we have to do is look at the historical data of taxes and revenues. When we cut taxes and increase military spending, then cut spending on our infrastructure the results are the budget deficits and a significant slowdown of the economic growth. Yet during the Clinton years when taxes on the rich were raised and there were increased investments in infrastructure the government actually had budget SURPLUSES and the economy was growing at a very robust rate.

Enter boy George Bush and in the early part of his first term he lowered taxes because he thought that there were surpluses and could stimulate the economy by giving the rich and the corporations a break. Nothing could be more wrong than what he did and we were able to ascertain how horrific his actions on this area were…just like most of the things he did during the eight long years he was in office. The damage President Bush and his cronies did to our country is difficult to fathom and it will be many decades before we are able to reach a full recovery and understand fully the implications of such incompetence.

But it is there for everyone to see: It was a meek growth in the economy, eight million jobs lost, billions upon billions of dollars piled on to the debt and it all came to a climax with a final crash of banks and the stock market.

The nerve of these Republicans to suggest that we can cut on safety net programs like SOCIAL SECURITY and Education and to attack labor unions as they have decimated the middle class has and it is a shame because the middle class is the backbone of our society…you destroy it and you destroy the country.

But let us not be so harsh; let us really think about the Republican perspective and their agenda: It is simply to make things as miserable for the American people so that they will blame President Obama for all their ills…vicissitudes that were created by them and not by Obama. They are so heartless and wicked that they rather see misery and poverty descend upon America than to forfeit the regaining of power. That is all there is to it…they are the puppets of the rich and the corporations and it does not suit them well to have the general population share the riches and their rightful place in society.

So now, to address the Reagan/Bush deficits the DC elites continue to insist in extending the tax cuts for the rich and giving away subsidies to corporations that don’t even have their headquarters in America. How do they propose to balance the budget? In their simplistic askew ideology it is simple: break the back of the unions, eliminate public education and do away with SOCIAL SECURITY. It is perverted and immoral.