Thursday, February 24, 2011

government can run some programs successfully

There is ample evidence that government can run some programs successfully

“Government is the problem” is a highly misleading and misguided Reagan concept

Much to the chagrin of Republican-Teahadists who live by the Reagan Mantra that “Government is the problem” there are at least two very successful examples of how successful some programs are: One of which has been in existence for more than 75 years and is still viable, solvent and providing a safety net for a group of people who would otherwise be destitute if it didn’t exist: SOCIAL SECURITY.

Of course, if Republican-Tehadists had their way they would eliminate Social Security altogether; along with PUBLIC EDUCATION, Consumer Protection, Osha labor laws, and even all public utilities. It is called: PRIVATIZATION MADNESS.

The other very successful program that the government not only had success but saved the jobs of millions of Americans in the process is the American Automobile Manufacturer’s bailout. As Jed Lewison reports:

“DETROIT — General Motors, which nearly collapsed from the weight of its debts two years ago before reorganizing in a government-sponsored bankruptcy, said Thursday that it earned $4.7 billion in 2010, the most in more than a decade.

It was the first profitable year since 2004 for G.M., which became publicly traded in November, ending a streak of losses totaling about $90 billion.

In addition, G.M. said 45,000 union workers would receive profit-sharing checks averaging $4,300, the most in the company’s history.

Guess who said this sort of turn around would be impossible? That's right, none other than John Boehner, in June of 2009:

Does anyone really believe that politicians and bureaucrats in Washington can successfully steer a multi-national corporation to economic viability?

Actually, yes, and these numbers prove it. But Boehner and teahadist Republicans look at what's happened and pout. They say government sucks, unions suck, G.M. sucks, and we should have just taught them all a lesson by letting them go out of business.

But everybody else looks at how things are turning out and say Democrats and the Obama administration made the right move by saving American auto manufacturing. And they did.”

Why are Republican-Teahadists obsessed with eliminating Social Security? Very simple: it is the cornerstone of FDR’s New Deal and it is still working and will do so for a couple of more decades to come. Funny too that the Social Security Fund has had a surplus all these years and the Government has been dipping into it…now when it is time for replacing what they took out; the Republicans claim that it is in financial trouble…why don’t we pay it back? Why don’t we give back to senior citizens what they put into the system? That would be too easy, too SOCIALIST and it would also prove Regan’s axiom wrong.