Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why do uneducated, poor, low class wingnuts defend the rich?


Why do these uneducated, low class, ignorant wingnuts defend the very rich and the corporations? Why indeed if they don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of…the window is long gone with their house that was foreclosed.

I have often asked myself this very question. For the life of me I can’t figure it out. They repeat these mantras of repudiation of SOCIALISM when they belong to a group or a class within our society that would most likely suffer from giving to the wealthy and taking it from the poor and middle class.

They, in their blissful ignorance think that SOCIALISM and LIBERAL are dirty words, anti-American, unpatriotic, detrimental and an insult. Yet they may be collecting SOCIAL SECURITY and take advantage of MEDICARE.

Funny too that many of them have lost their good paying jobs because they were outsourced abroad and may have had to take a lower paying job flipping hamburgers if they are not unemployed altogether.

I have always maintained that the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM is the best economic model. But I have always made it a point to say that FREE ENTERPRISE needs regulations and some kind of set of measures and laws. In the absence of these, FREE ENTERPRISE gets out of control. Why? Because the profit motive is propelled by greed and greed has no conscience.

A lot of these people will tell you that they believe in smaller government, less regulations, a return to the do nothing model. They so vehemently embrace Reagan’s concept that “GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM” and that “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” is a sustainable and fair model. We have seen that time and again this is just a bunch of bull shit. In the absence of regulations, the rich become greedier and hurt the middle class and the poor. If you give tax cuts and incentives to the rich, they will just hoard it and it does not trickle down. Can you honestly tell me that this extension of the tax cuts for the very rich and the bank/Wall Street bail out did anything other than save their asses and allow them to keep their high, undeserved salaries and bonuses?

I ask you this question, and if you can honestly say that you defend their right to benefit and enrich themselves at the expense of the majority, then I would say to you, you are perfectly correct. But just remember that in order to have an opinion, you have to be well informed and to be able to express that opinion you also have to be relatively coherent, state your views in concise, correct English or you will not be able to get any validation from me. If you can do this, you may still find me disagreeing with you, particularly if you don’t back your arguments with facts but only give me an opinion and speak in generalities…sound bites that are given to you by the Koch brothers. If you are civil about it I will respect you and I will respect your opinions.

But you just can’t go to a Town Hall meeting and spew a bunch of meaningless slogans, do it disruptively and interfering with the right of free speech of others. If you do that then you are a FUCKING MORON, nor should you get on Fox News and shamelessly lie, distorting the truth to fit your agenda, exaggerating, inventing conspiracy theories…if you do all that you are A WING-NUT TEABAGGER PIECE OF SHIT