Monday, February 21, 2011

Diametrically opposed points of view clash in the internet

There, I show my face, may not be the best looking dude but I don’t hide in anonymity

In a dysfunctional, severely divided society; the internet serves as a podium…an ugly one.

Just as the advent of the internet has brought about great access and freedom of expression; it has also brought out the worms out of the woodwork…those crass, cruel, ignorant and biased individuals that post comments in blogs knowing full well they are boorish and uncivil.

I get many of those; mostly coming from “anonymous” persons. These individuals hide behind anonymity because they know their ideology is askew and perverse. They are also cowards and sneaky because if their convictions were righteous they would be able to put a face and a name forward.

I have long since stopped publishing any anonymous comments…that is not to say that they have stopped coming. I get them from suspect places; when I do a “debunking LDS” for example; the locations from which these anonymous comments originate are usually in Provo or places like that. I even have one from Iran where the internet is forbidden…this one only monitors my blog and says nothing. Could it be some Iranian government official looking for anti-Iran subject matter in my blog?

My point is simply this: If I would not care to talk to you, befriend you or listen to your garbage in person; why then would I want to engage you in a back and forth futile net dialogue?

And yes, I am harsh and outspoken. I often say things crudely and without concern as to those who might take offense; because if they do, those are precisely the kinds of people who need to hear a particular message. I often use profanity and have been criticized for that too; but the way I see it, profanity is the salt and pepper of the otherwise bland English language stew.

Many times I feel that I was not severe enough, not in your face enough. I have the right to be as indignant as I need to be in the face of so much inequity and unfairness. I see the decimation of the middle class, I see the discrimination going on against Blacks, Latinos and LGBT and it is not in my genes to stay quiet.