Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not just the party of no…they are against everything


The Republican-Teahadists are against: unions, Blacks, Latinos, women, seniors, working class Americans, gays, anybody non-Christian, foreign born, non-English speaking, many others. Can you think of what group, what kind of person is welcomed in the modern Republican Party?

And yet they have managed to gain an unprecedented control of government and the economy. Republicans have been receiving the help of the very rich and a surrogate cable TV station. With those on their side they have manage to mislead, motivate and scare a very significant number of people. So far our country is divided almost evenly between Conservatives and Liberals who claim those as their ideologies.

How long will the GOP be able to hold that position of power is questionable as demographics and also as more and more people are adversely affected by this insane Republican assault on Democracy and the middle class.