Friday, February 25, 2011


The Governor of Wisconsin really screwed up this time. So much so that I would not be surprised if he ends up getting indicted and thrown out of office. You see, we had the privilege of listening in on the conversation that was recorded by a prankster and the asshole Governor thought he was speaking to the other asshole Koch.

The prank would be funny if the Governor had been fooled and nothing of significance was said. But the fact is that he was telling the person he thought was David Koch an awful lot of incriminating information. We found out for example that the Governor did consider sending in agitators to confront the demonstrators and cause some scuffle or worse. He confessed on the phone call that he discarded the idea because of the potential adverse political consequences.

No sir, not because of the safety of his fellow citizens, not because it is something unethical to do but because it would have had adverse political consequences. We also now know that the budget farce is just that; an excuse to do away with unions is more like it. He showed what a bully he really is.

One last thing: There is a reason for the creation and the existence of LABOR UNIONS; it is that the free enterprise system when is devoid of rules and regulations will succumb to greed and excesses and the factor labor is just part of an equation, they have no intrinsic importance in terms of their humanity…what they mean to corporations and the super rich is just a component of their overall scheme to make more and more profits…so it is incumbent upon the very rich to try to squeeze every drop of sweat and to do it with the least amount of compensation from the LABOR FACTOR.

Don’t you wish that we could be privy to some more of these prank calls and really unmask people like Boehner and McCain…Palin and the rest?