Friday, September 17, 2010



A lot has been said about President Obama’s birthplace…some argue that it was in Hawaii and yet others say it was in Kenya. What they don’t tell you is that his blood line is directly tied to an invasion of out of space aliens that landed in Kenya near Obama’s father ancestral village.

These aliens were very sophisticated and intelligent but ruthless nevertheless. They killed all males in the tribe and proceeded to impregnate the women. This happened a few centuries ago and the out of space visitors had as one of their most prominent feature green skin coloration.

The genetics dictated that a mutation or a mixture of black and green would produce something in between but it didn’t happen because the black genes were more dominant. However, the green genes continued to appear as mutations and very subdued. But if you look at President Obama you can clearly see the greenish tint to his skin.

Enter the addition of Obama’s mother white genes into the gene pool and these white genes subdued the more dominant black ones allowing for the apparition of the now somewhat mutated green genes…it is there, if you look hard enough you will see a green tint in President Obama’s skin which proves that he is a direct descendant of little green men from out of space.

What I find surprising is that the Birthers and Tea Baggers have not yet made the connection, have not put two and two together. I am surprised that this has not been one of the talking points of this out of control crowd who is angry and ignorant…they are ready to believe anything or any conspiracy theory…yet this one is so obvious that it is unfathomable they have missed it…all you have to do is look at the man…he is green!

And so a new outlandish, dehumanizing accusation against our President is born. What I find puzzling is that in the past we have had these types of ultra-right wing conservative nuts…we saw it in Joe McCarthy in the fifties, the John Birch Society, Barry Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan but they all were one if not the only wing nuts in the picture…one at a time.

But what is happening today is that we have a plethora of them, countless numbers of these way-out-there right wing nuts; far too many to ignore and far too many to impart real damage to our country. Today we have in our midst: Limbaugh and Beck, Coulter and Hannity, Bachman and Fox, Paul and Angle, Taitz and Palin…and now we have another one: Christine O’Donell.

In the past whenever one of these fringe element radicals surfaced he or she obtained some recognition, validation and even gained some power. But because they were isolated cases and the rest of society…the majority was sane they soon put their foot in their mouths and went down the slippery slope of humiliation and being discredited. But today, how in the hell are we going to discredit a couple of dozen wing nuts that are destroying our country?